boards using the facilities. The office provides space and clerical
services to the Board of Barber Examiners, Board of Examining
Engineers' Board of Examiners of Motion Picture Machine Opera-
tors' Board of Electrical Examiners and Supervisors,1 and Board of
Commissioners of Practical Plumbing. The expenses of the office are
prorated among the several boards (Code 1951, 1957 supp., Article
41, sec. 193).
Appropriations 1957 1958
Special Funds .........................$4,081 $4,504
Staff: I
President: Albert W. Morris, D.D.S., 1961
George B, Clendenin, D.D.S., 1959; C. Adam Bock, D.D.S.,
1961; L. Lynn Emmart, D.D.S., 1963; Howard B. Wood,
D.D.S., 1963.
Wilbur D. Burton, D.D.S., Secretary, 1959
829 Park Avenue, Baltimore I Telephone: Saratoga 7-4523
The Governor appoints the six members of the Board of Dental
Examiners for six-year terms. He appoints two members biennially
from a list of four practicing dentists furnished by the Maryland
State Dental Association. The Dental Practice Act of the State
provides that this Board regulate the practice of dentistry by testing
the qualifications of candidates for licenses in dentistry and in dental
hygiene (Code 1961, Art. 32).
All applicants for licenses to practice dentistry must be at least
twenty-one years of age and graduates of dental colleges duly incor-
porated to grant degrees in Dental Surgery by the laws of one of the
United States or Canada. All applicants for a license to practice
dental hygiene must be at least twenty years of age and graduates
of a school teaching dental hygiene which has been approved by the
Board. Examinations are held twice a year and are both written and
practical. Every dentist and every dental hygienist must register
Appropriations 1957 1958
Special Funds ...................$4,200 $4,395
Staff: None
Chairman: William J. Hatter, 1957
C. Worth Dunton, 1959; Benjamin R. Roll, 1959;
Sterling R. Schaeffer, 1959; D. Franklin Sneade, 1959.
34 Hopkins Place, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 9-8795
The first board for the examining and licensing of plumbers in
Maryland was established in 1886 with jurisdiction limited to Balti-
more City. The General Assembly established the present Commis-
sion in 1910. Its jurisdiction includes all of the State, excepting
Prince George's and Montgomery counties. The Board is composed
of five members appointed by the Governor for two-year terms. One
member must be from Western Maryland, one from Southern Mary-
1 Licensing board for Baltimore City only.