Baltimore: 219-A Veterans Administration Building
Cambridge: 113 High Street
Chevy Chase: Recreational Center, 4700 Norwood Drive
Crisfield: Arcade Building
Cumberland: County Building, Union Street
Easton: Dover and Harrison Street
Frederick: Winchester Hall
Hagerstown: City Hall
Hyattsville: County Service Building
Laurel: 327 Main Street
Salisbury: Gunby Building
Washington, D. C.: Veterans Administration, 1012
Munitions Bldg.
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds ..................$113,622 $120,263
Chairman: Col. Richard C. O'Connell, 1962
Appointed by the Governor: Fred Z. Nichols, Jr., 1958;
George D. Harman, 1959; William F. Dawson, 1960; Brig.
Gen. Harry C. Ruhl, 1961.
Appointed by the Mayor of Baltimore: Albert O. Rabassa,
1958, George A. Graham, 1959; Paul J. Wiedorfer, 1960;
James J. McGuirk, 1961; Paul Wolman, 1962
Col. Thomas G. McNicholas, Superintendent
War Memorial Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Mulberry 5-7530
The War Memorial Commission, created in 1924, consists of ten
members, five of whom are appointed by the Governor and five by the
Mayor of the City of Baltimore, all for five-year terms. The Commis-
sion elects its own chairman. It has custody and supervision of the
War Memorial Building, which was erected as a memorial to the men
of Maryland who fought in World War I. The maintenance cost is
shared equally by the State and the City of Baltimore. The building
is open and available for meetings of veterans' groups and civic
and patriotic societies, and for civic gatherings, providing that no
collection or donation is taken or admission charged for any meeting
or program held in the building. Applications for permission to use
the building should be addressed to the Commission (Code 1951, Art.
65, secs. 75-79).
Appropriations 1957 1058
General Funds ................$13,900 $14,350
Staff: 9
Examining and Licensing Boards
Nancy S. Ward, Chief Clerk
34 Hopkins Place, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 9-8795
The Central Licensing Office was established by the General As-
sembly of 1951. The Chief Clerk is appointed by the central office
executive, who is appointed each year from the membership of the