land, one from the Eastern Shore, and two from Baltimore. The
Commission examines and certifies journeyman and master plumbers.
Master plumbers must have held journeyman certificates for at least
two years prior to applying for a master's certificate. All certi-
ficates must be renewed annually. Appeals from the results of
examinations may be taken to a board of arbiters, composed of one
member appointed by the appellant, one by the Commission, and a
third by the other two members of the arbitration board. All mem-
bers of the Board must be certified plumbers within the State (Code
1951, Art. 43, secs. 307-316).
Appropriations 1957 1958
Special Funds .....................$4,034 $4,056
President: Lewis P. Gundry, M.D., 1958
Vice President: Samuel McLanahan, M.D., 1960
Secretary-Treasurer: Frank K. Morris, M.D., 1959
Wylie M. Faw, Jr., M.D., 1958; John H. Hornbaker, M.D.,
1959; Walter C. Merkel, M.D., 1960; Vernon H. Norwood,
M.D., 1961; Norman E. Sartorius, Jr., M.D., 1961
Rose F. Barry, Executive Secretary
1215 Cathedral Street, Baltimore I Telephone Mulberry 5-5587
The practice of medicine in Maryland is regulated by the Board
of Medical Examiners, which consists of eight members appointed by
the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty (State Medical Society), two
being elected each year to serve for four-year terms. All members
must be engaged in the actual practice of medicine (Code 1951, Art.
43, sec. 118).
The Board tests the fitness of physicians for the legal practice of
medicine in this State and issues licenses to those qualified. The
Board may revoke the license of any physican, who thereby forfeits
the privilege of practicing medicine. Candidates for licenses apply-
ing to the Board must be graduates of medical schools approved by
the American Medical Association and the Association of American
Medical Colleges. Graduates of foreign medical schools must present
diplomas from medical schools offering medical education equivalent
to that given in approved medical schools of the United States. Each
candidate from a foreign medical school is considered individually.
The qualifications for practice are determined either by written exam-
ination given by the Board, by endorsement of other states' licenses
obtained after written examination in a reciprocating state, or by
endorsement of a certificate of the National Board of Medical Exam-
iners. Examinations are held in June and December of each year.
Appropriations M.C.F. 1957 1958
Special Funds .....................$25,800 $24,151
Staff: 2
President: Harold E. Schaden, V.M.D., 1959
Walter H. Mitchell, V.M.D., 1958; Howard L. Baker,
V.M.D., 1961; Robert C. Flaherty, V.M.D., 1962
Harold S. Gober, V.M.D., Secretary, 1960
5400 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore 15 Telephone: Mohawk 4.9777