Appropriations—Special Funds 1955 1956
Administration .......................... $ 38,124 $38,604
Race Track Upkeep.................... 460,000 480,000
Totals .................................. $498,124 $518,604
Staff: 4.
Chairman: Edward J. Dyas, Chief License Inspector
Ralph P. Ripley, 1956; Mac Gardiner, 1959
William G. Nicholson, Executive Secretary
603 Mathieson Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 9-0781
The Real Estate Commission was established in 1939. The Commis-
sion is composed of three members, one of whom is the Chief License
Inspector of the State License Bureau, who also acts as Chairman.
The remaining two members are appointed by the Governor for four
year terms. Both appointive members must have been actively en-
gaged in the real estate business for ten years prior to appointment;
one must be a resident of Baltimore City and the other a resident
of one of the counties. The Commission licenses all real estate agen-
cies, brokers and salesmen doing business or wishing to do business
in Maryland. The Commission has the power to revoke, refuse or
suspend licenses of any agency or person for violating the State
real estate laws, or for unethical conduct (Code 1961, Art. 56, secs.
Appropriations 1955 1956
General Fund ................................ $27,024 $27,762
Staff: 4.
Joseph F. DiDomenico, Commissioner, 1955
Margaret W. Kimble, Deputy Commissioner
William R. Welsh, Administrative Assistant
Elizabeth Sanders, Supervisor of Permits
Edmund Rawa, Supervisor of Street Trades
Matthew Gibson, Chief Boiler Inspector
12 East Mulberry Street, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 9-3596
The Department of Labor and Industry is under the direction of a
Commissioner appointed by the Governor for a term of four years.
The Department is responsible for the collection of statistics con-
cerning labor in the State of Maryland and is further charged with
the examining of the conditions of labor within the State with es-
pecial reference to wages and the causes of strikes and disagree-
ments between employee and employer. The Commissioner is required
to follow the progress of negotiations in all labor disputes occurring
within the State and shall, if deemed necessary, mediate such disputes
or compose arbitration boards to arbitrate them. The Department
collects, maintains and publishes statistics and information in regard
to the volume of production of the various manufacturing industries
of the State (Code 1955 supp., Art. 89, secs. 1, 2).
The agency is responsible for the inspection of all boilers in the
State and the enforcement of the Steam Boiler Inspection Law. All