term of four years; the third member of the Board being the Com-
missioner of Labor and Industry. Of the appointive members of the
Board one must be a representative of the owners and users of boilers
in the State, and one a representative of a boiler insurance and in-
spection company licensed to do business in this State. The Board ia
charged with the duty of formulating rules and regulations govern-
ing the construction, installation and maintenance of boilers of over
fifteen pounds to a square inch, for sale or use in Maryland, and to
enforce such rules and regulations (Code 1951, Art. 48, secs. 168, 166).
The appropriation for the Board is included in the appropriation of
the Department of Labor and Industry.
Chairman: C. Morton Goldstein, 1958
Vice-Chairman: Maude B. Dorrance, 1956
Secretary; Walter S. Ringler, 1957
Elmer P. Butz, Administrative Assistant
212 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Mulberry 5-6766
The Board consists of a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary
appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate,
for a term of three years. It is required to examine or supervise
the examination of all film, excepting newsreels to be exhibited
or used in the State of Maryland and is charged with disapproving
such as are obscene, or such as tend in the judgment of the Board,
to debase or corrupt morals or incite to crimes. The Board furnishes
an official approval seal, which must be displayed on the screen
when the picture is shown (Code 1951, 1955 supp., Art. 66A).
Appropriations 1955 1956
General Fund ................................ $65,480 $65,816
Staff: 12.
Chairman: D. Eldred Rinehart, 1959
E. Taylor Chewning, 1961; Albert A. Shuger, 1957
J. William Graham, Secretary
504 Maryland Trust Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Plaza 2-2387
The Maryland Racing Commission was established in 1920. The
Commission is composed of three members appointed by the Governor
for a term of six years. The Commission licenses all persons, asso-
ciations or corporations which holds or conducts any racing meeting
within the State where horseracing is permitted for any stake, purse
or reward. The Commission promulgates such rules and regulations
as may be necessary to govern the races. It may also regulate the
size of the purse, the price of admission, or the charge made for any
article or service sold at the meets. All persons engaged in racing
in Maryland under assumed names must register with the Commis-
sion and receive its permission for the use of such name. The Com-
mission has the power to revoke or suspend the license of any person
or corporation engaged in racing within the State who violates the
racing laws or the rules of the Commission (Code 1951, Art. 78B,
secs. 1-2, 6-25; Code 1955, supp., Art. 78B).