Supreme Court of the United States,
Justices from Maryland...... 445
Baltimore City ............... 252
County ...................... 225
licensing .................... 120
coordination ................. 100
geologic and topographic....... 79
public improvements file. ....... 103
recorded .................... 105
Su.squehanna River Bridge......... 97
Swallow Falls State Forest. ...... .9, 78
Sylvan Retreat ............... 195, 197
Talbot County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns.............. 458
County seat ................. 451
Court terms .................. 454
Delegates .................... 154
Democratic Central Committee. . 284
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin. .............. 451
Officers ............... 219.244, 251
popniation ............... .463, 471
Republican Central Committee.. 288
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................. 215
Talking Book Machines, distribution
of ........................ 54
appeals ....................28,29
assessment ................. 28 29
basis ....................... 215
collection .................... 24
distribution ............ .25, 29, 97
levying ...................... 148
rates ....................... 216
study .................. 26, 32 130
Tax (types of)
admissions .................. 25
ad-valorem ................... 124
alcoholic beverages ........... 25
amusement .................. 25
apple ....................... 86
corporation ................ .25, 28
gasoline .................... 25, 97
income .....................25,29
insurance premiums ........... 35
motor vehicles ..............25 97
park ........................ 123
property .................... 28
racing ...................... 39
recreation ................... 123
sales ..................... 25
solid fuels .............. ... 25
title ..................... .97, 100
Taxable Basis, 1949-1950. ........ 215
Tax Commission, State............ 28
Tax Court, Appeal, Montgomery
County .................... 250
Tax Districts, Special
see Special Taxing Districts
Taxes, Collector of State, audits... 27
Taxes, Commission to Study State
and Local ................. 130
Tax Bate, State. ................. 216
Taxicabs, Baltimore City, supervision 37
Teacher Training .............. .49, 59
Teachers' Certificates ............ 50
Teachers Colleges, State. .......... 51
Teachers' Retirement System...... 48
Telegraph Companies, regulated.... 37
Telephone Companies, regulated.... 37
Television Stations .............. 475
Tidewater Fisheries, Advisory Com-
mittee to the Commission on. . 74
Tidewater Fisheries, Department of. 74, 94
Title Tax ....................97,100
Titles, Motor Vehicles. ........ .97, 100
Tobacco, Inspector of............. 84
Tobacco, research ................ 57
Tobacco Authority, Maryland. ...... 85
Tobacco Marketing, Commissioner of 84
Tobacco Warehouses, State. ....... 84
Toleration Act. .................. 13
Toll Bridges, regulated. .......... 37
Toll Facilities ................... 97
Topographic Survey .............. 79
Tourist Trade, promotion of........ 107
see Cities and Towns
Townshend Acts ..........-•..••• 3-6
Towson State Teachers College. ... 52, B3
Trade Commissioner, 'Baltimore
County ..................... 248
Trade Mark Law................. 57
Trade Marks, registration. ........ 23
Trade Names, registration......... 23
Trade Schools, liccnsinR. .......... 50
Trade Wastes, regulated. ......... 62, 82
Traffic Collision Statistical Bureau. . 93
Traffic Commission, Baltimore City. 25"6
Traffic Court, Baltimore City
fines ........................ 101
magistrates .................. 253
Traffic Division ................. 96
Traffic Laws, Committee on Uniform 132
Traffic Safety Commission......... 101
Training Schools
delinquents ................ .67, 68
mental defectives ............ 71, 72
Transportation Companies, regulated 129
Transportation System of Baltimore,
Commission to Study........ 129
Treasurer, State
audits ...................... 27
counsel ..................... 31
duties ....................... 26
election .................. .27, 148
vacancy in office.............. 21