Special Funds, custodian. ......... 27
Special Taxing Districts
accounting systems ........... 30
Allegany County ............. 124
audits ...................... 27
establishment ................ 148
financial reperts .............. 32
Garrett County ............... 124
Montgomery County . . .122, 123, 124
Prince George's County. 122, 123, 124
Springfield State Hospital......... 72
Spring Grove State Hospital....... 72
Stamp Act ..................... 16
Standard Maryland. Colleges. ...... 52
Standard Salary Board, State
Employees ................. 46
Standards and Appeals, Board of,
Montgomery County ......... 250
Standards and Appeals, Board of,
Prince George's County...... 250
"Star Spangled Banner" .......... 17
Star Spangled Banner Flag House
Association ................ 199
State Accident Fund. ......'....... 43
State Agencies
appropriations, 1951 .......... 183
appropriations, 1952 .......... 188
audits ...................... 27
building programs ............ 103
counsel ..................... 31
expenditures, 1950 ............ 200
property .................... 211
publications, bibliography ...... 133
publications, depositories . 32, 105, 107
records .................. 106,107
State Appeal Board. ........... .25, 240
State Auditor ................... 27
State Central Committees. ........ 279
Democrati-c .................. 281
Republican .................. 285
State Employees ................46, 47
State Employees Standard Salary
Board ..................... 46
State Employment Commission..... 45
State Fair Board................. 84
State Forest Nursery. ............ 78
State Forester .................... 77
State Forests and Parks. ......... .9, 78
State Game Farms ................ 76
State Government, Commission on the
the ....................... 128
State Government and Politics
Course, Commission to Study. . 131
State Guard .................... 91
State Laws, Commissioners (or
Uniform ................... 32
State Library ................... 104
State Officers, impeachment........ 148
State Parks ..................... 9,78
State Planning Commission........ 101
State Police .............. .48, 93, 101
State Property ........... .23, 24, 211
State Property and Institutions,
Map of .............. before 67
State Publications
see Publications, State
State Reporter .................. 177
State Koads Commission. .......... 96
State Superintendent of Schools.... 49
State Tax Kate, 1849-1952. ....... 216
State Taxable Basis. ............. 215
State Teachers Colleges........... 51
State Tobacco Warehouse. ......... 84
State Treasurer ................. 26
State Use Industries. ..... .86, 87, 88, 89
State-Aided Institutions .......... 193
State's Attorneys
accounts audited ............. 27
Baltimore City .......... .... 252
Counsel ..................... 31
Counties (list) ............... 219
Stationary Engineers, licensing..... 112
agricultural .................. 57
educational .................. 50
health ....................... 62
industrial .................... 41
labor ......................41,44
traffic accidents .............. 93
vital ........................ 63
Steam Boiler Inspection Law. ..... 41
Steam Engineers, licensing. ....... 112
Stream Pollution .......... ..... 82
Street .Railways, regulated. ........ 37
Strip Mining .............. ... 80
Strikes, mediation ............... 41
Suburban Hospital ........... 195, 197
Superintendent of Public Buildings
and Grounds ............... 104
Superintendent of Schools, State... 49
Superintendents of Schools
(Counties) ................ 234
Superior Court of Baltimore City... 179
Clerk ....................... 252
Supervisors of Assessments
see Assessments, Supervisors of
Supervisors of Elections
see Elections, Boards of Super-
visors 01
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
Election returns for Judges. .264, 277
Judges ...................... 179
Probation Officer ............. 253
Terms ...................... 452