Baltimore City ............... 256
Counties .................... 222
State, Historical list. .......... 423
Treasurers of the Eastern Shore. . . 422
Treasurers of the Western Shore. . . 422
Treaty of Paris.................. 16
Tree Marketing Program. ......... 78
Tree Nursery ................... 78
Tree Trimming .................. 78
Trial Magistrates
appointment ................. 21
counsel ..................... 31
Counties (list) .............. 226
traffic fines .................. 101
Trucking Companies, regulated..... 37 »
Trust Companies ................ 33
Tuberculosis, Bureau, of......... .62, 63
Tuberculosis Hospitals ........... 63
Unclassified Service .............. 46
see Funeral Directors
Unemployment Compensation ...... 44
Unemployment Compensation Law. . 44
Unemployment Compensation Laws,
Commission to Study. ....... 132
Unemployment Trust Fund. ........ 44
Unform Accounts, Commission on... 30
"Uniform Small Loan Law" ...... 36
Uniform State Laws. ............. 32
Unincorporated. Places, populatien. . 464
•Onion Hospital ol Cecil County. 195, 187
Union Memorial Hospital. ..... .194, 196
United States Government Agencies
Agriculture, Department of..... 30
Air Forces, Department of...... 91
Army, Department of.......... 91
Federal Bureau of Investigation. 93
Interstate Commerce Commission 37
Mines, Bureau of.............. 80
Naval Academy ............... 18
Naval Air Station. ............ 18
Production Marketing Administra-
tion ...................... 30
Soil Conservation Service ...... 57, 83
United States Representatives in
Congress, Historical list..... 439
United States Senators from
Maryland, Historical list. .... 433
'United States Supreme Court Justices
from Maryland ............. 445
University Hospital .............. 56
University of Baltimore. .......... 53
University of Maryland
accredited ................... 53
agricultural activities ......... 57
bonds ....................... 56
mining classes ............... 80
Regents, membership .......... 54
Universities, accreditation of.... 50, 113
Upholstery, Division of Bedding and. 62
Upper Montgomery County Planning
Commission ................ 250
Upper Potomac River Commission. . . 124
Urban Area, defined.............. 460
Urban Population, 1790-1950. ...... 462
Uge Tax .................. . 25
Vacation trade, promotion of...... 107
Vending Stand Department........ 54
Venereal Disease Control, Division of 62
Veterinary Medical Examiners,
Board of .................. 112
Veterans Commission, Maryland-... 108
Veterans of Foreign Wars. ........ 108
Veterans' Relief ................. 108
Veterans Service Committee, State.. 44
Victor F. Cullen State Hospital..... 63
Virginia Company ............... 11
Visual Aids ..................... 49
Vital Records ana Statistics, Division
of ........................ 62
Vocational Education .......... .49, 89
Vocational Education, Division of. . 49
Vocational G-uidanee ............. 44
Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of 50
Vocational Schools, licensed. ...... 50
Vocational Training .............. 87
Volunteers of America Hospital. .194, 196
Wage Board, State Employees. ..... 46
Wage Studies .............. .40, 41, 44
Walsh-Healy Act ................ 41
Walters Art Gallery.............. 267
War Ballot Commission. .......... .138
War Between the States.......... 17
War Memorial Commission........ 109
War of 1812.................... 17
War Records Division. ........... 108
Washington, D. C.
see District of Columbia
Washington Cemetery Trustees..... 128
Washington College ............ 53, 198
Washington County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns.............. 459
County seat ................. 451
Court terms ................. 454