Probation, Parole and. Division of. . 95
Procurement, Budget and, Depart-
ment of
see Budget and Procurement, De-
partment of
Production Marketing Administration 31
Professional Engineers and Land
SurvoyorBi Board of Registra-
tion o( .................... 126
Property, State
deeds and leases for. ......... 25
movable, inventory of......... 108
value of ..................206-209
Proprietors of Maryland. .......... 401
Provincial Convention, 1776....... 405
Psychiatric Education and Training,
Division of ................ 76
Public Accountants, Board of Exam-
iners of ................... 119
Public Assistance ............... 72
Publications, State
depositories for .......33, 109, 112
list of .................... 133-147
Public Buildings and. Grounds, Super-
intendent of ............... 108
Public Improvements, Department of 107
Public Libraries Act.............. 51
Public Library Commissions........ 237
Public Schools, administration of... 50
Public Service Commission
duties ................... .37, 88
publications .................. 139
Public Utilities
assessment of ................ 29
regulation of ................. 38
Public Welfare, Department of
see Welfare
Public Works Administration. ...... 130
Public Works, Board of
duties ................... .24, 25
publication .................. 139
records disposal ............ 25, 111
technical assistance to.......... 107
war records compilation........ 112
Public Works, Department of
(Counties) ............ .243, 245
Public Works, Department of (State)
see Hoads Commission, State
Public Works Program, Penal. .. .93, 94
Purchasing Agent, Baltimore County. 243
Purchasing Bureau ............... 30
Puritan Commonwealth ........... 14
Q Page
Queen Anne's County
area ........................ 443
Circuit Court ................ 181
cities and towns.............. 442
county seat .................. 435
Court terms .................. 438
Delegates .................... 158
election districts ............. 451
liquor license commission --... 26
name and origin. .............. 435
newspapers .............. .454, 455
Officers ................... 214-242
population .......... .445, 451, 453
Senator ..................... 155
taxable basis ................. 210
Quartermaster General's Department 96
Babies, treatment for. ............ 63
Race Relations, Commission on..... 75
Racing Commission
powers and duties............. 40
publications .................. 139
Radio Stations ................... 456
assessment of ................ 29
regulation of ................. 38
Ranking Line Officer. ............. 96
Rating Bureau .................. 36
Real Estate Commission
duties ....................... 41
publications .................. 139
Record Drawings, State Buildings. . 107
custody of ................... Ill
disposal of ............... .25, 111
land .....................110, 111
military ......... .97, 111, 112, 113
traffic accidents ............... 105
vital ...............;........ 64
Records, Hall of
see Hall of Records Commission
Recreation Areas, State
location ................... 84, 85
planning ..................... 106
Recreation Boards
Baltimore City ............... 250
Baltimore County ............. 243
Prince George's County........ 245
Recreational Facilities ..84, 85, 127, 128
Reference Library, State........... 109