Permanent Boards of Registry. .243, 245
Personnel and Accounts, Division of. 65
Personnel Board, Montgomery County 245
Personnel, State, recruitment of.... 47
Pharmacy, Board of............... 120
Pharmaceutical Association ........ 120
Pharmaceutical Tests ............. 64
Governor Win. Preston Lane, Jr.
facing 2
Members of the General Assembly
before 161
Director of Legislative Reference
facing 161
Judges, Court of Appeals.. facing 181
Physically Handicapped. ...... 4R, SO, 51
54, S5
Physically Handicapped, Governor's
Commission for the Promotion
of the ..................... 45
Physical Therapy Examiners, Board
of ........................ 128
Physicians, licensing of........ 116, 117
Pilots, Aircraft, licensing of........ 39
Pine Bluff State Hospital.......... 68
Planning Commission, Baltimore City 250
Planning Commission, Park and,
Maryland-National Capital ... 127
Planning Commission, State
duties ....................... 106
publications .............. 138, 139
site planning panels........... 107
Planning Commissions, County
Baltimore ................... 243
Howard ..................... 244
Wicomico .................... 245
Plats, recording of................ 110
Plumbing Commission, Anne Amndel
County ...................... 243
Plumbing, Practical, Board of Com-
missioners of ............... 116
Pocomoke State Forest............ 84
Police Commissioner, Baltimore City. 250
Police, County ............... .243-245
Police Magistrates, Baltimore City. . 247
Police Retirement System, State.... 49
Police, State, Department of....... 98
Political Parties, State Central
Committees ............. .271-279
aerial ....................... 64
water .........64, 87, 88, 106, 132
Population of Maryland
cities and towns........... .445-448
counties ..................... 445
election districts .......... .449-452
estimated 1949 ............... 453
explanation of census, 1940..... 443
Port of Baltimore............... 9, 17
Post-Mortem Examiners, Department
of ........................ 99
Potomac River Basin, Interstate
Commission on the.......... 132
Potomac River Board ............ 130
Potomao River Bridge ....... .102, 104
Potomac River Commission, Upper. . 130
Potomac River Conservancy District. 132
Potomac River Fish Hatchery. ..... 87
Potomac State Forest. ........... 84
Poultry, regulation of ........ 58, 59
Practical Nurses, examining of.... 121
Pratt Library ................ 18, 250
see Correction, Department of
Prescriptions, inspection of........ 120
Presidents of the Senate, historical
list of .. ..............411, 412
President, United States, election
returns for ................ 262
Prince George's County
area ........................ 443
building inspection ........... 128
Circuit Court ................ 182
cities and towns.............. 441
county seat ................. 435
Court terms ................. 437
Delegates ................... 158
election districts ............. 451
Metropolitan District ......... 127
newspapers ..............454, 455
Officers .............. 214-242, 245
planning ................. 127, 128
population ......... .445, 451, 453
recreation ........... 127, 128, 245
Regional District ............ 127
Sanitary District ............. 129
Senator ..................... 155
taxable basis ................ 210
water supply ................ 129
Princess Anne College
see Maryland State College
Printing in Maryland, establishment
of ......................14, 15
Probation Officer, Baltimore City. 95,247