certification of results.......... 23
initiating of ................. 152
results of 1946, 1948..... .260, 261,
.Reformatory for Males............ 94
Reformatory tor Women. .......... 94
Regional Agent for Marketing,
County .................... 238
Regional Commissions
functions ................. 127-130
publications .................. 146
Regional District, Maryland-Washing-
ton ....................127, 128
Registered Nurses, examination of... 121
Registers of Wills
accounts audited ............. 28
Baltimore City ............... 246
Counties (directory) .......... 215
counsel for .................. 32
Registry, Permanent Boards of
Anne Arundel County........ 243
Montgomery County ........... 245
Washington County ........... 245
Regulations, Administrative .....23, 32
Religion in Maryland. ......... .13, 14
Religious Toleration Act. .......... 13
Relief Fund, Veterans............. 113
Representatives in Congress
election returns for........ .254, 263
historical list of. .......... .424-429
1950 Members ............... 429
Republican State Central
Committee .............. .275-279
Repudiation Day .............. 16, 433
agricultural ................. 57-59
apple ....................... 91
biological .................... 87
cancer ...................... 65
economic .................... 106
educational ................... 51
financial ..................27, 33
labor .....................42, 45
legislative ................ .33, 154
livestock .................... 59
marketing ................... 58-91
planning .................... 106
poultry ................... 58, 58
social trends ................. 106
tobacco ..................... 57
Research Activities, inventory of... 106
Research Division ............... 154
Research and Education, Department of
duties ....................... 87
publications ............. .189, 140
Research, Fiscal, Bureau. ......... 33
.Reservoirs, regulation of. ...... .64, 86
Retail Sales Tax., ............... 26
Retirement Systems, State. .... .48, 49
Revenue Estimates, Board of....... 27
Revenue Estimates, Bureau of. ..... 27
Revolutionary Conventions .... .403, 404
Revolutionary War .............. 16
Revolving Fund .............. 30, 31
Right of Way Division ........... 101
Ritchie Hospital ................. 69
Rivers of Maryland ............. 9
Road Camps, Penal.............. 93
Road Design, Division of.......... 101
Road Engineers, County....... 243-245
Road Maps, publishing of......... 101
Roads Commission, State
members .................... 100
duties .................... 100-103
publications ................. 140
weather information .......... 98
Rosewood State Training School.... 79
Rules, Administrative .........23, 32
industrial ................... 43
mining ..................... 86
traffic ................ 98, 101, 105
Safety Board, Montgomery County .245
Safety, Council of................ 404
Safety Department .............. 43
St. Charles College............... 54
St. John's College
accredited ................... 53
founding of .................. 15
State aid to ................. 194
St. Joseph's College. ............. 53
St. Mary's City.................. 13
St. Mary's County
area ........................ 443
Circuit Court ................ 182
county seat .................. 435
Court terms ................. 438
Delegates ................... 158
election districts ............. 451