publications .................. 138
trustees ..................... 59
Mortgages, recording of........... 110
Motion Picture Censors, Board of
powers and duties. ............ 40
publications .................. 138
Motor Carriers, Interstate, supervi-
sion of .................... 38
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax. .......... 26
Motor Vehicles, Department of
duties ....................... 104,
publications *................. 138
Motor Vehicle Laws, enforcement of. 98
Motor Vehicle Revenue Fund...102, 105
Motor Vehicle Title Tax. .......... 102
Mt. Nebo State Forest. ............ 84
Mt. St. Agnes Junior College....... 54
Mt. St. Mary's College............ 53
Mt. Wilson State Hospital. ........ 68
Moving Picture Machine Operators,
Board of Examining ......... 124
see Cities
Museums, Baltimore City.......... 250
Names and Origin of Counties. . .433-436
National Anthem, composed. ....... 17
National Capital Park and Planning
Commission, Maryland ...127, 128
National Defense Act of 1922 ...... 96
National Guard ....... .21, 22, 96, 97
National Pike ................... 17
National Resources, Board of
associated departments ....... .79-86
duties .................... .79, 80
members ..................... 79
Monocacy Watershed study ..... 106
publications .................. 138
Naval Establishments in Maryland.. 18
Naval Militia ................... 22
Negro Population, Governor's Com-
mission on Problems Affecting. 75
colleges for ........... .51, 57, 60
scholarships for .............. 60
State hospitals (or ........ .68, 77
training schools for -------. 73 74
Newspapers .................. 453-455
Notre Dame, College of............ 53
Nurseries, Day, State aid to....... 193
Nurses, Board of Examiners....... 121
Nursing Homes, licensing of....... 64
Nursing, Public Health, Division of. 65
Oatli of Supremacy. .............. 12
Occupational Diseases ......42, 43, 65
Occupational Diseases, Medical Board
for ....................42, 43
Officers, County .............. 213-245
Officers of Maryland, historical list
of .....................399-430
Old Age Assistance .............. 72
Open-pit Mining ................ 86
Optometry, Board of Examiners in.. 122
Oral Hygiene, Division of. ........ 65
Orphans' Courts
Baltimore City ............... 246
Counties ................ .216, 217
terms of ................ 436-438
Osteopathic Examiners, Board of... 123
Oyster Conservation. .. 80, 81, 131, 132
Pardons, granting of. ............. 21
Park and Planning Commission,
Maryland-National Capital .... 127
Parks, Recreation and, Baltimore
City Board of.............. 250
Parks, State ................. 9 85
Parks, State Forests and, Depart-
ment of
see Forests and Parks, Depart-
ment of
Parole and Probation, Division of.. 95
Parole and Probation, Interstate
Compact on ............... 95
Pasteur Treatment ............... 63
Patapsco State Park ........... 85
Patent Medicines, inspection of.... 120
Patents, Land, recording of....... 110
Peabody Institute ............... 18
Pedic Association, Maryland ...... 123
Penal Institutions .......'..... 93. 94
Penitentiary, Maryland ........... 93
People's Court of Baltimore City. . 182
People's Counsel ................ 38