Maryland Penitentiary ........... 93
Maryland Reports
distribution of ............... 109
publication of ................ 24
Maryland School for the Blind..... 194
Maryland State College......... 53, 57
Maryand State Guard ............ 96
Maryland Training School for Boys. 73
Maryland Training School for Col-
ored Girls
see Barrett School tor Oiris
Maryland, University of
see University of Maryland
Maryland-Washington Metropolitan
District ............... 127, 128
Maryland Workshop tor the
Blind ................. ..55, 195
Materials Division ............... 101
Maternal and Child Health and Serv-
ices tor Crippled Children,
Bureau of ................. 64
Mayors .....................438-442
McDonogh School For Boys....... 194
Medical Board for Occupational
Diseases ............... 42, 43
Medical Care, Council on.......... 70
Medical Care Program
administration ............... 64
appropriation ................. 195
Medical Care, study of............ 106
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty
116, 117, 126
Medical Examiner, Chief..... .100, 247
Medical Examiners, Boards of.. 116, 117
Medical Examiners, Deputy
appointment of .............. 100
list of ...................... 235
Medical Schools, cadavers for...... 62
Medical Services, Bureau of... 64, 65
Mental Health Clinics............ 65
Mental Hospitals, licensing of...... 76
Mental Hospitals, State. ........ 77, 78
Mental Hygiene Advisory Board... 76
Mental Hygiene Board of Review. . . 77
Mental Hygiene, Department of
duties .................... 75, 76
publications ................. 137
Mental Hygiene, Division of....... 65
Merchandizing Fund ............. 91
Merit System, administration of. ... 47
Meters, Gas and Electric, testing of. 88
Metropolitan Area, Baltimore...... 106
Metropolitan District, Maryland-
Washington ............ 127, 128
Microfilm of Records ........ .110, 111
Military Establishments in Maryland 18
Military Forces ...........21, 96, 97
Military Department
duties ................... .96, 97
publications ................. 138
Military Graves, registry of. ...... 113
Military Staff, Governor's......... 22
Milk and Cream, supervision over... 58
inspection ................... 86
production ................... 9
Mine Foremen, examination of..... 86
Mineral Resources, reports on..... 87
Miners Hospital ................. 71
Mines, Bureau of
duties ....................... 86
publications ................. 138
Mines and Water Resources, Geology,
Department of ............. 85
Minors' Employment Permits....... 42
Monocacy Watershed, study of..... 106
Montgomery County
area ........................ 443
building inspection ............ 128
Circuit Court ................. 181
cities and towns............... 440
county seat .................. 435
Court terms ................. 437
Delegates .................... 158
election districts .......... 450, 451
metropolitan district ...... .127, 128
name and origin............... 435
newspapers .....••..... .454, 455
Officers .............. .214-242, 245
planning ................. 127, 128
population ......445, 450, 451, 453
regional district ...........127, 128
sanitary district .............. 129
Senator ...................... 155
taxable basis ................. 210
Montgomery Junior College........ 54
Montgomery State Game Farm. ..... 82
Montrose School for Girls.......... 74
Morgan State College
accredited ................... 53
curriculum ................... 60
faculty retirement fund... .. .48, 49