employment agencieg .......... 42
examining engineers .......... 117
naileries, tidewater ......... 80, 81
fishing ....................... 82
forms prescribed .............. 26
funeral directors .............. 120
hairdressers .................. 124
homes for the aged............ 64
horseshoers .................. 118
hospitals ................ 64, 70, 76
hunting ...................... 82
insurance agents and companies.. 36
loan companies ............ 35, 37
mental hospitals .............. 76
motion picture machine operators 124
nuraes ....................... 121
nursing homes ................ 64
optometrists .................. 122
osteopaths ................... 123
physicians ............... .116, 117
physical therapists ............ 126
plumbers .................... 116
practical nurses .............. 121
professional engineers ......... 126
racing ....................... 40
real estate agents and brokers. .. 41
surveyors .........••......... 126
tobacco agents ............. 90, 91
trade schools ................ 51
vending stands (blind)......... 65
veterinarians ................. 118
water well drillers............. 86
Licenses, Inspections and, Montgom-
ery County Department of.... 245
Licensing Boards ............. .115-126
Liquor Control Boards......... .235-236
Liquor License Commissions
Baltimore City ............... 247
Counties ..........26, 27, 235, 236
Livestock Research ............. 57, 59
Livestock Sanitary Service......... 59
Lobbyists, registration of.......... 23
Loan Companies, supervision of.. 3 5, 37
Loan Laws, Administrator of
duties ....................... 37
publications .................. 136
Lords Proprietary ............... 401
Loyola College .................. 53
Baltimore City ............... 247
Counties ................. .220-222
see also Justices of the Peace
Magnetic Surveys ................ 85
Maintenance Division ............. 101
Males, Reformatory for. ........... 94
Managers, County ........... .243, 245
Appellate Judicial Circuits. ..... 179
Congressional Districts ........ 423
Judicial Circuits .............. 180
State Institutions, location of... 66
Mapa, Maryland, Smith's and Her-
man's .................... 11
Maps, preparation of
geologic and topographic. .. .85, 86
road ........................ 101
Marine Fisheries Commission, Atlan-
tic States ............. .130, 131
agricultural ............... 57, 58
apple ....................... 91
tobacco ................... 90, 91
tree ........................ 84
Marketing, County Regional Agent
for ....................... 238
Markets, State Department of
duties ...................... 58
publications ................. 145
Marriage Records ............... 64
bird .......... -pamphlet back cover
Charter ................... 12, 281
cities and towns ....... .9, 438-442
Constitution ................. 295
flag ........... pamphlet back cover
flower ........ -pamphlet back cover
forests and parks........ .9, 84, 85
Historical Sketch ............. 11
information about ............ 112
seal ....... 22, pamphlet back cover
song ...... .17, pamphlet back cover
State Guard ................. 96
tree ...........pamphlet back cover
Maryland At A Glance............ 9
Maryland Cooperation Commission
131, 132
Maryland Institute .............. 194
Maryland Line Confederate Soldiers
Home ..................... 115
Maryland Manual, editing of..... 112
pamphlet back cover
Maryland National Capital Park and
Planning Commission
duties ............. .......127, 128
publications ................. 137