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Maryland Manual, 1950
Volume 163, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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material as is necessary to give a complete and accurate history of
Maryland's participation in and contribution to World War II (Acts
1946, Ch. 728).

Expenditures, 1949 .......................................... .......................$21,062.38

Appropriation, 1960 -....................................$27,000.00

Staff: 9.


Chairman: Joseph A. Canteel

Godfrey Child, James A. Haley, Frank Powers, Charles M. Sinclair
Richard C. Manning, State Service and Executive Officer
8 South Street, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Plaza 2000

The Maryland Veterans Commission is composed of five members
appointed by the Governor, all of whom must be veterans. The Com-
mission appoints the State Service Officer, who serves as administra-
tive director of the agency. The State Commanders of the American
Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Disabled American Vet-
erans, and the Spanish-American War Veterans serve as an advisory
committee to the Commission.

The Commission administers a fund, appropriated annually, to pro-
vide the necessities of life to distressed veterans, widows of veterans
and their infant children, to provide medical care for those who are
ill, and funeral expenses for deceased veterans. The agency also
assists veterans and their dependents in securing federal aid to which
they may be entitled. The Commission is further responsible for the
maintenance of a permanent registry of graves of all persons who
served in the military or naval forces of the country in time of war
and are buried in Maryland (Code 1947 Supp., Art. 96%, sees. 3-7).
The Commission, in addition to its main office, has Information Centers
located in the following cities:

Baltimore: 713 Veterans Administration Building

Chestertown: Courthouse

Crisfield: State Armory

Cumberland: Liberty Trust Building

Frederick: Winchester Hall

Hagerstown: 126 North Potomac Street

Hyattsville: State Armory

Rockville: Courthouse
Expenditures, 1949 .........................$114,301.77

Appropriation, 1950 ........--....--...- 140,940.00*
Staff: 21.

includes Veterans Relief Funds of $75,000.


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Maryland Manual, 1950
Volume 163, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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