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Maryland Manual, 1950
Volume 163, Page 114   View pdf image (33K)
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Chairman: Joseph D. Buscher, 1962

Harry H. Cropper, 1952; J. Ted Ingelhardt, 1962; Thomas
B. Finan, 1952; Henry P. Irr, 1952.

James P. Lazzati, Executive Director
202 Guilford Avenue, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Plaza 2838

The Maryland Veterans' Housing- Commission was created in 1947
by an act of the General Assembly. The members of the Commission
are appointed by the Governor for a term of five years, one of the
members being designated by the Governor as Chairman. The Com-
mission appoints the Executive Director. It offers assistance to vet-
erans in obtaining housing. The Commission is also empowered to
negotiate with the Federal government for such funds as may be
available for home construction and to enter into contracts with
private interests for housing construction. All agreement and contracts
entered into by the Commission are subject to review by the Board
of Public Works (Code 1947 Supp., Art. 78A, sees. 24-27).

Expenditures, 1949 ..........................................................................$6,365.82

Appropriation, 1950 (Emergency Funds)...... 3,139.13
Staff: 2


Chairman: Richard C. O'Connell, 1952

Appointed by the Governor: Herbert C. Blake, M.D., 1953;

George D. Harman, 1954; William F. Dawson, 1950; Harry
C. Ruhl, 1951.

Appointed by the Mayor of Baltimore: Paul C. Wolman,
1962; Abraham Watner, 1954; Paul J. Weidorfer, 1950;

Albert 0. Rabassa, 1953; James J. McGuirk, 1951.
Thomas G. McNicholas, Superintendent
War Memorial Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Mulberry 7530

The War Memorial Commission was created in 1924. The Commis-
sion is composed of ten members, five of whom are appointed by the
Governor and five by the Mayor of the City of Baltimore. The term
of office is five years. The Commission elects its own Chairman. The
Commission has custody and supervision of the War Memorial Build-
ing, erected as a memorial to the men of Maryland who fought in
World War I. The cost of maintenance of the Memorial is shared
equally by the State and the City of Baltimore. The building is open
and available for meetings of veteran groups, civic and patriotic
societies, and for civic gatherings, providing that no collection or dona-
tion is received or admission charged for any meeting or program held
in the building. Applications for permission to use the building should
be addressed to the Commission (Code 1939, Art. 65, sees. 85-89).
Expenditures, 1949 ........................................................................$10,395.07

Appropriation, 1950 (State).............................................. 12,000.00*

Staff: 9

*The amount appropriated is to be half the cost of maintenance,
but not exceeding the amount specified.


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Maryland Manual, 1950
Volume 163, Page 114   View pdf image (33K)
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