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Maryland Manual, 1950
Volume 163, Page 112   View pdf image (33K)
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The Hall of Records also maintains a library of official publications
of the various State agencies, and all State agencies are required to
deposit one copy of each official publication with the Hall of Records
(Code 1947 Supp., Art. 41, sec. 103). The Hall of Records is further
responsible for the editing and preparation of the MARYLAND MANUAL
for 1950.

Expenditures, 1949 ........................--..............-$45,550.96

Appropriation, 1950 ............................. 47,619.00

Staff: 11



John P. Trimmer, Director
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Annapolis 4058

The Department of Information was established as a separate
State agency on June 1, 1949. It existed hitherto as a division of the
Hall of Records Commission, having been authorized by the Board of
Public Works on February 17, 1948. The Department is a central
agency for the dissemination of information concerning the State.
Under law (Acts 1949, Ch. 665) the department is empowered to
collect and assemble data about Maryland and to distribute it in the
form of maps, films, photographs, pamphlets, posters, press and radio
releases, and by other means to the public in general and to institu-
tions of learning in particular. It is further authorized to promote
the interests of Maryland arid its products. In this respect, the De-
partment serves as a center of information for the encouragement of
tourism and vacation trade in the State. Its work is carried on in
cooperation with the Hall of Records.

Expenditures, 1949 -------....................-$11,862.09

Appropriation, 1950 ...................$27,602.00

Staff: 4.


Harold R. Manakee, Director
620 Park Avenue, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Saratoga 0907

The War Records Division was established in 1945. The Division
was established under delegation of authority from the Board of
Public Works to the Maryland Historical Society for the purpose of
collecting and assembling data and records in regard to Maryland's
participation in World War II. The Division is securing information
regarding the service record of each Maryland resident who was a
member of the Armed Forces during the War. In addition the Division
is collecting data concerning the participation of Maryland industry
as well as information about the activities of civic and patriotic groups
during the war. The Division is further authorized to publish such


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Maryland Manual, 1950
Volume 163, Page 112   View pdf image (33K)
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