hospitals, receiving financial aid from the State, and making recom-
mendations as to appropriations for them—all monies appropriated
to them to be paid on a per capita basis at the rates and subject to
the rules and regulations established by the State Board of Public
The State Department is empowered to adopt rules and regulations
necesary to carry out its duties; to issue licenses to institutions,
agencies, societies and individuals having the care, custody, and con-
trol of children (with certain exceptions), and to revoke the same,
subject to appeal; to license any person or institution maintaining a
home in which two or more persons beyond the age of 66 shall be
cared for and for which a charge is made, except with respect to
persons caring for relatives; and it is the official representative of
the State in regard to charitable matters and has the administration
of the laws regarding the placement of children in this State by
out-of-State agencies, and the supervision of the law prohibiting the
separation of infants from their mothers during the first six months
after birth.
Chapter 797 of the Acts of 1943 provides for a Bureau of Child
Welfare in the State Department of Public Welfare, having responsi-
bility for insuring proper standards of child care for all children in
need thereof, and for a Division of Institutions within the Bureau.
Provision is made for the appointment of personnel under the State
Merit System. Through this Bureau, the Department is responsible
for the supervision, direction and control of the four training schools.
The State Department is directed to establish by rules and regulations,
standards of care, policies of admission, transfer and discharge, to
order desirable changes in the policies, conduct or management of the
institutions, and to develop a program within each training school,
including provision for after-care supervision. Subject to limita-
tions in the new law, each of the institutions is to remain under the
general management of its Board of Managers.
Chapter 818 of the Acts of 1943 vests in the Circuit Court of Balti-
more City jurisdiction in juvenile and related causes in Baltimore
City, and directs the judge of that Court, if he determines that a child
is in need of care or treatment by reason of dependency or neglect,
to commit the child to the State Department, which is given sole
power to decide the type of care or treatment to be given. In those
cases in which the child is determined to be in need of care or treat-
ment for other reasons, the Judge is given discretion to commit the
child to the State Department for such placement as it believes to be
for the best interests of the child. The State Department has the
sole power to determine the length of time during the minority of the
child during which any commitment to it by the Judge shall continue,
but must report semi-annually to the Judge on each child committed
to it.
Loch Raven, Maryland
Telephone: Towson 12
Ex-Officio Members:
Governor Herbert R. O'Conor.
Comptroller J. Millard Tawes.
Treasurer Hooper S. Miles.