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Maryland Manual, 1943-44
Volume 160, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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Dr. Morris L.Radoff................................ .Annapolis
Senior Stenographer:

Louise M. Hall.... ...................... ............. Glen Burnie


Assistant Archivists:

Roger Thomas............................................. Annapolis
Gust Skordas............................................... Annapolis

Junior Assistant Librarians:

Josephine E. Jickling. .................................. Annapolis
Elizabeth Hartsook ..................................... Annapolis
Agnes Howard................................................... Annapolis

Senior Assistant Librarian:

Ruth A. Krebs. ............................................... Annapolis
Junior Assistant Librarian:

Jane R. Moss. ........................................... Annapolis

Margaret P. White............................................ Annapolis

The Hall of Records Commission was created by Chapter 18, Acts
of 1935. It is composed of: The Governor of Maryland, the State
Comptroller, the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, the President
of the Johns Hopkins University, the President of St. John's College,
the President of the Maryland Historical Society, and the President
of the Board of Trustees of the Peabody Institute of Baltimore.

The Commission supervises and controls the Hall of Records build-
ing and appoints the Archivist who has charge of the active manage-
ment of the building and contents.

Among the records now housed in the Hall of Records are the en-
grossed laws of Maryland, the large collection of materials, including
its own records, formerly in the care of the Court of Appeals, the
manuscript archives of Maryland formerly deposited with the Mary-
land Historical Society, Maryland probate material from 1635-1776,
records of Baltimore, Prince George's, Frederick, Anne Arundel, Charles
and Somerset Counties, old records of the various state offices. In addition
there is a small but growing collection of church records and private papers.

Every state, county, city, town or other public official in the State
is authorized to deposit for preservation any original papers, official
books, records, documents, files, newspapers, printed books or por-
traits not in current use. The Commission accepts gifts or deposits of
like nature from other than governmental officers. Such gifts or
deposits are kept in fireproof air-conditioned stacks, and the Hall of
Records furnishes for a small fee typewritten, photostat or microfilm
copies of any material in its possession. The Commission has a seal
and is empowered to certify such copies.

The Hall of Records is open to the public with the privilege of
examining records, under the necessary safeguards. In addition requests by
mail for information contained in the records will be answered, but no
genealogical line will be traced.

By virtue of two Acts of the General Assembly of 1941 custodians of
records who wish to dispose of them may offer them to the Hall of Records.


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Maryland Manual, 1943-44
Volume 160, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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