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Maryland Manual, 1943-44
Volume 160, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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lation, to investigate and report upon the laws of Maryland and other
states at the request of the Governor, any committee or member of the
General Assembly, or the head of any State Department. It is also
made the duty of the Department to prepare or aid in the preparation
of any bill or resolution on the request of any member of the Legis-
lature, and to maintain an office at Annapolis during the sessions of
the Legislature. There is on file in the Department a complete set of
all bills which have been introduced in the Legislature of Maryland
from 1908 to 1943, inelusive, with a full index of same, and the Codes
and Laws of the other States. Chapter 150 of 1935 provides that the
several State departments shall transmit copies of their reports to the
Department of Legislative Reference for exchange purposes. The Director
of the Department is Secretary of the Legislative Council. (Chapter 474
of the Acts of 1916, An. Code, 1939, Art. Sec. 100.)



(Terms Expires 1947)

Name. Postoffice.
C. Walter Cole. .......................................... Towson
William Curran........................................ Baltimore
E. Paul Mason........................................ Baltimore

Beginning June 1, 1935, and every fourth year thereafter, the Gov-
ernor appoints a Board of three Commissioners, to be known as Com-
missioners for the Uniformity of Legislation in the United States,
who shall represent Maryland in the National Conference of Com-
missioners on Uniform State Laws. (Chapter 502 of the Acts of 1935.)

The duty of this Board is to examine into and ascertain the best
means to effect uniformity in the laws of the States and especially
to meet with representatives appointed by other States in a conven-
tion, known as "The National Conference of Commissioners on Uni-
form State Laws," to draft laws to be submitted for the approval
and adoption of the several States, and to recommend such action as
shall best accomplish promotion of such uniform legislation.

The Commissioners receive no salary but are allowed their actual
disbursements for expenses.


College Ave. and St. John's Street, Annapolis
Commissioners Postoffice.

Hon. Herbert R. O'Conor, Governor..............Annapolis
Hon. J. Millard Tawes, Jr., Comptroller. ...........Crisfield
Hon. D. Lindley Sloan, Chief Judge Court of Appeals, Cumberland
Dr. Isaiah Bowman, President Johns Hopkins University

Dr. F. Stringfellow Barr, President St. John's College .. .. .. Annapolis
Dr. J. Hall Pleasants, President Board Peabody Institute


Hon. George L. Radcliffe, President Maryland Historical Society


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Maryland Manual, 1943-44
Volume 160, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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