The Director of Parole and Probation is appointed by the Governor
to serve as administrator, for the State of Maryland, of the Inter-
state Compact for the reciprocal supervision of parolees and proba-
tioners. The Compact places under the jurisdiction of the adminis-
trator, during the parole or probation period, any person convicted of
an offense within the State of Maryland who may thereafter be
placed on probation or released on parole to reside in another state.
Similarly, he may refuse or grant permission to parolees or proba-
tioners to enter Maryland from another state.
College Avenue and St. John's Street
Name. Postoffice.
Henry W. Cord. ................................. .Landover
Administrative Assistant:
Arthur Trader......................................Arnold
Senior Clerks:
Malcolm W. Waring.. ...................................... ......Annapolis
Holland P. Watts................................Odenton
Junior Stenographer:
Mildred M. Crockett............................. .......... Annapolis
The Commissioner of the Land Office is appointed by the Governor,
with the consent of the Senate, to hold office during the term of the
Governor. (Constitution, Art. 7, Sec. 4.) All clerks are under the
Merit System.
The Land Office is the State Record Office, pertaining to boundaries
of land, and is the means by which discovered vacant land is passed by
the State to the individual, and covers the period from the earliest to
the present date. The Commissioner sits as a judge in contested dis-
putes over vacant land, and there is a right of appeal direct to the
Court of Appeals over his decision.
The duties of the Land Office, in regard to its clerical force, is to
keep the indexing, and record the patents and certificates that are returned
on the different kinds of warrants executed by the County Surveyors
throughout the State.
Questions relating to confiscated British property.
Questions relating to Provincial Court Deeds, Chancery (Equity)
Records to 1851 and original papers. Debt Books, Rent Rolls, Insolvent
Proceedings and abstracts of Deeds, Mortgages and Releases of Mort-
gages for the Counties and Baltimore City.
Duplicate records of all deeds, mortgages and releases of mortgages
throughout the State are filed in the Land Office, and it is the duty of
the Commissioner to have them properly bound and indexed.
City Hall, Baltimore
Director, Horace E. Flack, Baltimore
The function of the Department of Legislative Reference is to col-
lect, compile and index information on all questions of proposed legis-