Ibid. |
Nor doth this statute of 30 Car. 2. extend
to the Duke of York. |
Duke of
York. |
1 Will. &
Mar. c. 9. |
The Lord Maior of the City of London, and
every Justice of Peace of the
City of London, Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, and
of the Counties of
Middlesex, Surry, Kent and Sussex may cause to be arrested
and brought before
him every person or persons not being a Merchant-Foreigner within the same
Cities, or within ten Miles of the same as are, or are reputed to be Papists,
and tender to them the Declaration mentioned in the Statute of 30 Car.
2. Entituled,
An Act for the more effectual preserving the Kings Person and Government,
disabling Papists from sitting in either House of Parliament; And if
such person upon
tender refuse audibly to repeat and subscribe the said Declaration, and
after continue to be within the said Cities, or ten Miles distance from
the same,
That the Offender shall forfeit and suffer as a Popish Recusant convict. |
of Papists. |
Ibid. |
Every Justice of Peace shall certifie every Subscription
before him by virtue
of this Act taken; as also the Names of every person refusing to repeat
or subscribe
as aforesaid upon tender, under the Hand and Seal of the said Justice into
the Kings Bench the next Term, or else at the next Quarter-Sessions:
if the person refusing and certified shall not within the next Term or
after such refusal appear in the Court of Kings Bench or Sessions, where
Certificate shall be returned, and in open Court repeat and subscribe the
as aforesaid, and indorse and enter his so doing upon the Certificate
so returned, shall be from the time of such his refusal adjudged a Popish
convict. |
certified. |
Ibid. |
This Act shall not extend to any person using any
Trade or Mistery within
the Liberties of London and Westminster, or within ten Miles of
the same: Nor
to such as within six months before the thirteenth of February 1688.
had their
Dwellings within the said Cities, or ten Miles compass of the same, not
any Dwelling elsewhere, so as before the first of August 1689. he
do certifie his
Name or place of Abode at the Sessions of the Peace to be held for the
said respective
Cities or Counties. |
To whom
this Act
extends. |
1 Will. &
Mar. c. 18.
23 Eliz.
29 Eliz.
3 Eliz.
3 Jac. 1.
25 Car. 2.
30 Car. 2.
1 Will. &
Mar. |
By this Statute it is enacted that neither the Statute
of 23 Eliz. Entituled, An Act
to retain the Queens Subjects in their due Obedience: Nor the
Statute of 29 Eliz.
Entituled, An Act for the more speedy and due execution of certain
branches of the
Statute made the twenty third year of the Queens Reign: Nor that
Branch or Clause
of a Statute made 1 Eliz. Entituled, An Act for the Uniformity
of Common Prayer, and
Service in the Church and Administration of the Sacraments: Nor
the Statute made
3 Jac. 1. Entituled, An Act for the better discovering and repressing
Popish Recusants:
Nor an other Statute made the same year, Entituled, An Act to prevent
and avoid
Dangers which may grow by Popish Recusants: Nor any other Statutes
made against
Papists or Popish Recusants; Except the Statute made 25 Car. 2.
An Act for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants:
And except
the Statute made 30 Car. 2. Entituled, An Act for the more effectual
the Kings Person and Government by disabling Papists from sitting in either
House of Parliament, shall be construed to any person dissenting from
the Church
of England, that shall take the Oaths mentioned in a Statute made
this present
Parliament, Entituled, An Act for the removing and preventing all Questions
Disputes concerning the assembling and sitting of this present Parliament;
And shall
make and subscribe the Declaration mentioned in a Statute made 30 Car.
Entituled, An Act to prevent Papists from sitting in either House of
which Oaths and Declaration the Justices of Peace at their General
Sessions are
hereby required to tender to such persons as shall offer themselves to
take and
subscribe the same, and thereof to keep a Register; And no person shall
above 6 d. to any Officer of the said Court for entring the said
Oaths, and subscribing
the said Declaration: Nor above 6 d. for any Certificate signed
by the
Officer of the said Court. |
from Penalties. |
Ibid. |
All persons convicted or prosecuted in order to
conviction of Recusancy by
Indictment, Information, &c. or otherwise grounded upon any the aforesaid
Statutes, shall take the said Oaths mentioned in the said Statute made
this present
Parliament, and make and subscribe the Declaration aforesaid in the Court
of Exchequer or Assizes, or at the General or Quarter-Sessions, and to
thence certified into the Exchequer, shall be from thence exempted from
Penalties and Forfeitures incurred by force of any of the said Statutes
any composition or charge whatsoever. |
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