8 |
Warrant, shall for the first Offence forfeit to the party grieved 100
l. and for the
second Offence 200 l. and be incapable to hold his Office; to
be recovered by
Action of Debt, Suit, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of the Kings
at Westminster.
Oaths. |
At the end of Chapter 81. add this.
No Peer of this Realm, or Member of the House of
Peers shall vote or make
his proxy in the House of Peers, or sit there during any debate in the
said House,
nor any Member of the House of Commons shall vote or sit there after their
Speaker chosen, till he first take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy,
subscribe and repeat this Declaration between the hours of nine in the
and four in the afternoon at the Tables in the middle of the said Houses,
in a
full House, viz. |
30 Car. 2.
c. 1. |
Declaration. |
I. A. B. do solemnly and sincerely in
the presence of God, Profess, Testifie and Declare,
That I do believe that in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, there is not
Transubstatiation of the Elements of Bread and Wine, into the Body and
Blood of
Christ at or after the consecration thereof by any Person whatsoever; And
that the Invocation
or Adoration of the Virgin Mary, or any other Saint, and the Sacrifice
of the
Mass, as they are now used in the Church of Rome are superstitious
and idolatrous:
And I do solemnly in the presence of God, Profess, Testifie and Declare,
That I do
make this Declaration, and every part thereof, in the plain and ordinary
sense of the
words read unto me, as they are commonly understood by English Protestants,
any Evasion, Equivocation, or Mental Reservation whatsoever, and without
any Dispensation
already granted me for this purpose by the Pope, or any other Authority
or Person
whatsoever, or without any hope of any such Dispensation from any Person
or Authority
whatsoever, or without thinking that I am or can be acquitted before God
or Man, or
absolved of this Declaration, or any part thereof, although the Pope or
any other Person
or Persons whatsoever, should dispense with, or annul the same, or declare
that it
was null and void from the beginning. |
Kings presence. |
Every Peer of this Realm, and Member of the House
of Peers, and every
Peer of Scotland and Ireland of twenty one years of age,
or upwards, and every
Member of the House of Commons, not having taken the said Oaths, and
made and subscribed the said Declaration, and all persons convict of Recusancy,
that shall remain in the Kings or Queens presence, or come into any House
where they reside, shall incur and suffer the penalties hereafter mentioned,
such person shall in the next Term after take the said Oaths, and make
said Declaration in the Court of Chancery, between the hours of nine and
twelve. |
Ibid. |
Popish Recusants.
Disability. |
Peers and Members of the House of Commons
offending as aforesaid, shall
be adjudged Popish Recusants convict, and be disabled to hold any Office
England or Ireland, or any Islands or Plantations to them
belonging, or to sit in
Parliament, or make a proxy in the House of Peers, or to prosecute any
to be Guardian, Executor or Administrator, or to take any Legacy or Deed
Gift, and for every Offence shall forfeit 500 l. to him that will
sue for the same. |
Ibid. |
Kings Servants. |
The King or Queens sworn Servants shall take the
Oaths, and make and subscribe
the Declaration aforesaid in the Court of Chancery, in the next Term
after they shall be sworn Servants; or in case of impediment by sickness,
upon Oath, and allowed under the Hand of the Lord Chancellor or Keeper,
then in the next Term after such impediment removed. And if such
neglect to do the same, and yet come or remain in the presence of any King
Queen of this Realm, or come into any House where they reside, they shall
suffer all the penalties and disabilities aforesaid. |
Ibid. |
Servants. |
But this shall not extend to any natural born Subject
of Portugal, who shall
be the Queens Servant, not exceeding nine at once; nor to the Queens Women
Servants nominated under her Hand and Seal, and not exceeding nine
at once;
nor to any person who shall be licenced by Warrant of six Privy Counsellors,
or by Order of Council, to come into the King or Queens presence, so as
Licence exceed not ten days, and be filed in the petty Bag. |
Ibid. |
of Penalties. |
Offenders taking the said Oaths, and making the
said Declaration after such
Offence committed, shall from thenceforth be freed from all penalties,
as Popish
Recusants convicted as aforesaid, and from all disabilities incurred thereby:
not restored to any office supplied upon voydance, nor to any other till
one year taking the said Oaths, and making the Declaration aforesaid, nor
discharged of the said Forfeiture of 500 l. |
Ibid. |