10 |
Any person refusing to take the said Oaths when lawfully
tendred, which
every Justice of Peace hath power to do, such person shall not be admitted
make and subscribe the two Declarations in this Act mentioned, though required
thereunto, either before any Justice of Peace, or at the General or
Quarter-Sessions before or after any Conviction of Popish Recusancy, unless
such person can within thirty one days after such tender of the Declarations
him produce two sufficient Protestant Witnesses to testifie upon Oath that
believe him to be a Protestant Dissenter, or a Certificate under the Hands
four Protestants conformable to the Church of England, or have taken
the Oaths,
or subscribed the Declarations above mentioned; and shall also produce
a Certificate
under the Hands and Seals of six or more sufficient Men of the Congregation
to which he belongs, owning him for one of them. And that until
such Certificate under the Hands and Seals of six of his Congregation as
be produced, and two Protestant Witnesses to attest his being a Protestant
Dissenter, or a Certificate under the Hands of four Protestants, as
aforesaid, be produced,
the Justice of Peace shall take a Recognizance with two Sureties in
the penal
Sum of 50 l. to be levied of his Goods, &c. to the use of the
King and Queen
for his producing the same; And if he cannot give such security, to commit
to prison, there to remain until he has produced such Certificate or two
Witnesses. |
Meetings. |
No Congregation or Assembly for Religious Worship
shall be permitted by
this Act until such place of meeting shall be certified to the Bishop of
the Diocess,
or the Arch-Deacon of that Arch-Deaconry, or the Justices of Peace at the
General or Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, and registred in the said Bishops
Arch-Deacons Court, or recorded at the said General or Quarter-Sessions,
registred by t he Register or Clerk of the Peace, for certifying of which
he shall
not have above 6 d.
Ibid. |
Cattle, &c. |
At the end of the fourth Section of Chapter 100. add
Not only the Constables, Tithingmen, Headboroughs,
Church-wardens or
Overseers of the Poor, but every Inhabitant, or any other person whatsoever
shall and may seize any great Cattle, Sheep or Swine, or any Beef, Pork
Bacon imported into England or Wales contrary to the aforesaid
Statute of 18
Car. 2. c. 2. wheresoever the same shall be found, and shall
within six days after
conviction and forfeiture thereof cause the said Cattle, Sheep and Swine
to be
killed, and the Hides and Tallow shall be to the Seizor, and the remainder
of the said Cattle, Sheep and Swine and shall be forthwith by the Church-wardens
and Overseers distributed among the Poor of the Parish, upon notice thereof
be given by such Seizor. |
20 Car. 2.
c. 7. & 32
Car. 2. c. 2. |
Forfeitures. |
If such Seizor, Church-warden or Overseer shall
fail in the execution of his
said duty, they shall severally forfeit forty shillings for every one of
the great
Cattle, and ten shillings for every Sheep or Swine which should have been
killed and distributed, one moiety thereof to the Poor of the Parish, and
other to the Informer, to be levied by distress and sale of the Offenders
by Warrant of any Justice of Peace of the County or place where the Offence
is so committed, upon confession of the party, view of the Justice, or
Oath of
one or more credible Witnesses (other than the Informer) the overplus to
Owners, necessary Charges of distraining deducted: And for want of
the Offender to be committed to Gaol for 3 months without Bail or Mainprize. |
32 Car. 2.
c. 2. |
If no seizure shall be made by the Officers or Inhabitants
within the Liberty,
Parish or place where such Cattle or Goods shall be first imported, such
Parish and place, and the Inhabitants thereof, shall forfeit for every
100 l. for the use of the House of Correction, within the County
or Liberty,
where such default shall be. |
20 Car. 2.
c. 7. |
If any great Cattle, Sheep or Swine shall be once
or oftner seized, and afterwards
by permission, connivance, negligence, or otherwise, removed and found
alive in any other Parish or place, to the like benefit, and the Cattle,
and Swine be forfeited; and the proof incumbent upon the Owner, as if such
Cattle had never been seized before. |
32 Car. 2.
c. 2. |
Cattle intermixed. |
If any English or other Cattle, driven or intermixed
with Irish Cattle, shall
be seized together with them, such Cattle shall be deemed Irish, and shall
subject to like forfeiture, and be ordered and disposed in all respects,
as if they
were Irish. |
Ibid. |