the day time with the assistance of the Constable, &c. to search
for Arms, &c.
which shall be in the custody of any such Papist, or reputed Papist, and
the same for the use of their Majesties, which the said Justices shall
at the next
Quarter-Sessions deliver in open Court to the use aforesaid. |
7 |
Ibid. |
Every Papist or Papist reputed who shall not within
ten days after such refusal
or making default, discover or deliver up to some of their Majesties Justices
Peace, all such Arms, Weapons, &c. which he shall have in his House,
&c. or
shall hinder any person lawfully authorized to search for and seize the
that every person so offending shall be committed to the common Gaol, by
Warrant under the Hands and Seals od any two Justices of Peace, without
or Mainprize for three months, and shall forfeit the said Arms, and treble
value to use of their Majesties, to be appraised by the said Justices. |
what time
to discover
them. |
Ibid. |
Any person that shall conceal, or be privy, aiding
or assisting to the concealing
or knowing thereof, shall not discover the same to some of their Majesties
Justices of Peace, shall be committed to the Gaol, by Warrant under the
and Seals of any two of his Majesties Justices of Peace, without Bail or
for the space of three months, and forfeit the treble value of the said
Arms. |
Aiding or
assisting in
concealing. |
Ibid. |
If any person shall discover any such Arms, &c.
so as the same may be seized
for their Majesties use, the Justices of Peace upon delivery of the same
at their
General Quarter-Sessions shall have power, as a Reward for such a Discovery,
by order of Sessions to allow him a Sum of Mony amounting to the full value
of the Arms, &c. so discovered, the said Sum to be assessed by the
of the said Justices at their Sessions, and to be levied by distress and
sale of the
Goods of the person offending, rendring the overplus, &c. to the Owner.
if after default the Offender shall submit to the Justices of Peace at
Quarter-Sessions, and in open Court make, repeat and subscribe the said
contained in the said Act of 30 Car. 2. and take the several Oaths
contained in an Act made in this present Parliament, entituled, An Act
for removing
and preventing all Questions and Disputes concerning the assembling and
sitting of
this present Parliament; He shall be discharged of all Disabilities
and Forfeitures
by reason of his refusal or default as aforesaid. |
for discovery. |
Ibid. |
No Papist or reputed Papist refusing or making default
as aforesaid, after the
fifteenth of May 1689. shall keep any Horse above the value of 5
l. And that
any two or more Justices of the Peace, by Warrant under their Hands and
may authorize any person with the assistance of the Constable, &c.
to search
for and seize such Horses to the use of their Majesties: And if any
person shall
conceal or be aiding and assisting in concealing such Horses after the
fifteenth day of May, such person shall be committed to prison by
Warrant as
aforesaid, without Bail or Mainprize for three months, and forfeit to their
treble the value of such Horses.
Search for
Arms. |
30 Car. 2.
c. 4. |
At the end of Chap. 78. add this.
If any person who was released out of prison by virtue
of the Act of 30 Car. 2.
shall at any time be found or suspected by any of his Creditors to have
in his
own hands, or in the hands of others, or to his use, or in trust for him,
Mony, Goods or Chattels in value over and above what he is allowed to have
by the Statute of 30 Car. 2. or by 22 & 23 Car. 2. c.
20. other than such Goods
in his Shop or Ware-house, as he shall have been credited, or trusted with
the time of his discharge, and for what he shall be really indebted:
and do not
upon convenient demand pay his Debts therewith as far as the same will
That then at the request of any Creditor, the Oaths in the said Acts mentioned,
shall be tendred by him again, by any Justice of Peace impowred by
said Act of 30 Car. 2. to minister it, or by any Judge of the Court,
there is judgment against him, which if he refuse to take he shall be remanded
to prison in Execution: See thee Statutes and Oaths at large. |
Oath. |
31 Car. 2.
c. 2. |
Persons Subjects of this Realm committed for any
Crime, shall not be removed
into Custody of any other Officer unless by some legal Writ; or where
the Prisoner is delivered to the Constable, &c. to be carried to Gaol,
or sent by
any Judge or Justice of Peace his Order to a Work-house, or removed within
the County in order to his Trial or Discharge, or in case of Fire, Infection
Necessity. And Persons signing any Warrant for removal, contrary
or countersigning the same, and the Officer or Officers that obey or execute
such |
Removal of
Prisoners. |