6 |
may examine complaints against Collectors or other refractory Persons
failing to give obedience hereunto, or acting in disturbance or obstruction
of the Premisses, and bind them over to the next Quarter-Sessions. |
Treasurer. |
The said respective Justices may appoint a Treasurer
to receive the Mony
from the said Collectors, and pay it over according to their Orders
made at the
said respective General Sessions of the Peace; and may agree and article
with such as they shall imploy in the said service, and take security of
them for
the faithful performance thereof. |
Ibid. |
Persons imployed in the Border Service, that shall
wilfully neglect to apprehend
or bring to Trial any of the said Moss-Troopers, shall be disabled to manage
or take upon them the said imployment, and be fined and imprisoned by
the Justices of the Peace at their General Sessions. |
Ibid. |
The Justices may lessen the charge, if they see
cause. |
Ibid. |
Note, this Statute of 13 & 14 Car. 2.
was discontinued, but is by the Statute
of 29 & 30 Car. 2. revived, and to continue from thenceforth
for seven years;
and from thence to the end of the first Sessions of the next Parliament. |
29 & 30
Car. 2. c. 2. |
Books. |
The said Justices of Peace of Northumberland
and Cumberland shall at their respective
Quarter-Sessions, take security of such as they imploy in the said service,
for the preservation of the said Counties from Theft and Rapine, to answer
the Damages sustained by their default, and to pay and satisfie the same
within four months after proof thereof made by the Oath of one Witness
the next Quarter-Sessions, so as the Goods stolen be entred in one of the
to be kept for that purpose, within forty eight hours after they shall
be stolen;
And Books shall be kept for that end in every Market Town of the said Counties,
and at such other places, and by such Persons, as the said Justices at
General Sessions shall order. |
29 & 30
Car. 2. c. 2. |
The said Justices shall yearly or every two years
at furthest, in open Court appoint
Persons to be imployed in the said service. |
Ibid. |
Oaths. |
Every Person so imployed, or as Treasurer for the
said service, shall receive
the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, according to the usage of the Church
England, in some publick Church upon some Sunday within three
months after
they shall enter on such imployment, and deliver a Certificate thereof
to the
next Quarter-Sessions, and take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy,
make and subscribe the Declaration appointed by 25 Car. 2. cap.
2. under the
Penalties and Forfeitures by the said Act appointed. |
Ibid. |
But this Statute of 29 & 30 Car. 2. relates
altogether to the above-said Statute
13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 22. and so is but temporary as that
is, viz. to continue but
for seven years, and from thence until the end of the first Session of
the next
Papists. |
At the end of Chap. 71. add this.
Any two or more Justices of Peace that know or suspect,
or shall be informed
that any Person is, or is suspected to be a Papist, shall render to
such Persons
the Declaration set forth in an Act of Parliament made 13 Car. 2.
entituled, An
Act for the more effectual preserving the Kings Person and Government by
Papists from sitting in either House of Parliament, to be by him made,
repeated and subscribed.
And if such Person shall refuse to make, repeat and subscribe the same,
or shall refuse to appear before the said Justices for the making, repeating
subscribing the same, upon notice to him given, or left at his usual place
of abode
by any Person authorized in that behalf, by Warrant under the Hands and
of the said two Justices, such Person shall from thenceforth be liable
and subject
to all the Penalties, &c. hereafter in this Act mentioned. |
1 Will. &
Mar. c. 15. |
Names of
and Places
to be certified. |
Also the said Justices of Peace shall certifie the
Name, Sirname and place of
Abode of every Person so refusing or neglecting to make, &c. the said
or refusing to appear before them for the same: As also of every
who shall make, repeat and subscribe the same at the next Quarter-Sessions,
be then recorded by the Clerk of the Peace or Town Clerk. |
Ibid. |
What Arms
a Papist
may keep
in his
House. |
No Papist, or reputed Papist so refusing or making
default, as aforesaid, shall
keep in his House, or in the possession of any person to his use any Arms,
or Ammunition (other than such necessary Weapons as shall be allowed
him by order of the Justices of the Peace at their General Quarter-Session
the defence of his House or Person.) And that any two or more Justices
of the
Peace by Warrants under their Hands and Seals, may impower any Persons
in |
Ibid. |