yearly by the Maior, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace there; the Persons
making such Oaths being no Corn-Chandlers, Mealmen, &c. but substantial
House-keepers, qualified as before.
5 |
1 Will. &
Mar. c. 21. |
At the end of Chap. 34. add this.
The Custos Rotulorum to nominate the Clerk
of the Peace, who for his mismanagement
may be suspended or discharged by the Justices of the Peace, and if the
Custos Rotulorum refuse or neglect to put in another, the Justices
may nominate
one at their General Quarter-Sessions.
Clerk of
the Peace. |
1 Will. &
Mar. c. 24.
At the end of Chap. 38. add this.
As well Justices of Peace as Commissioners of Excise
or Appeals have power
to hear and determine Complaints between the Brewers and Gaugers. |
Excise. |
No Commissioners or other Persons imployed about
the Duty of Excise, shall
receive from any Collectors Surveyors, Gaugers, &c. any Fee or Reward
pain of forfeiting their Office, upon proof by two or more credible Witnesses
before two of their Majesties Justices of the Peace.
Forfeiture. |
30 Car. 2.
c. 9. |
At the end of Chap. 42. add this.
If any Person shall in the River of Severn,
fish with, or make use of any Engin
or Device, whereby any Salmon, Trout or Barbel under the length appointed
by the Statute of 1 Eliz. shall be taken or killed, or shall
fish with any
Net for Salmon, Salmon-mart, Salmon-Peal, Pike, Carp, Trout, Barbel,
or Grayling the Mesh whereof shall be under two inches and an half square
from knot to knot; or above twenty yards in length, and two yards in breadth,
or above fifty yards in length and six yards in breadth in the wing of
Net, or shall fish with more than one of those Nets at once, or shall use
any device
for taking the frie of Eels, he shall forfeit five pounds, for every Offence,
and the Fish so taken and the Instruments used in taking them; and shall
forfeit five pounds for every time he or they shall water any Hemp or Flax
the said River. |
Severn. |
Ibid. |
If any between the first of March, and the
last of May, shall do any Act
whereby the Spawn shall be destroyed, they shall forfeit forty shillings
for every
Offence, and the Instruments imployed for the said purpose. |
Ibid. |
The Justices of Peace of the Counties of Worcester,
Salop and Gloucester shall
be Conservators of the said River in their respective Counties, and make
one or
more under Conservators in their respective Limits, to whom or to any Constable,
Tithingman or Headborough, upon their own knowledge or information
of any such Offence, they shall issue Warrants under the Hands and Seals
any two of them, to search in all suspected Houses, &c. for such unlawful
and seize them, and bring them to the Quarter-Sessions to be destroyed. |
Ibid. |
None shall be punished for the said Offences but
by Information or Indictment
before the Justices of Assize, and Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer,
and Gaol-delivery,
or the General Sessions of the Peace; the one moiety of the Forfeitures
shall be to the use of the Poor of the Parish where the Offence shall
committed, the other to the Prosecutor to be levied by Fieri facias,
or Capias ad
13 & 14
Car. 2. c.
22. |
After Chap. 64. place this.
Moss Troopers.
The Justices of Peace of Northumberland and
Cumberland, at their respective
General Sessions of the Peace may make an Order for charging the Inhabitants
for securing the said Counties from the spoil and rapine of lewd and disorderly
Persons called Moss-Troopers. But Northumberland shall not
be charged with
above 500 l. nor Cumberland with above 200 l. in the
year. |
Tax. |
Ibid. |
For this end the said Justices may appoint from
time to time any person or
Persons to have the command of a certain number of Men, not exceeding thirty
in Northumberland, and twelve in Cumberland, to search out
and bring to Trial
the said Malefactors; And may issue out their Warrants to the several Constables,
and other Officers to levy the said Sums by distress and sale of Goods:
the said Justices of Peace in the said several Counties, or any one of
them, respectively |
Distress. |