4 |
by the next two Justices of the Peace of, and dwelling within the City
and Liberties
of Westminster under their Hands and Seals, and be collected by
such Persons
Inhabitants of the said Parish, as the said Vestry-men, or any six or more
of them shall from time to time under their Hands and Seals appoint. |
100 l. per
annum. |
The Minister of St. James's Church to have
100 l. per annum, to be paid quarterly
by the Church-wardens for the time being, and upon default made after
lawful demand made at the Dwelling-house of any of the said Church-wardens,
that then the two next Justices of the Peace of the place, may upon complaint
made, give Relief according to the true intent of this Act, and may cause
Church-warden or Church-wardens offending therein, to be imprisoned till
payment be made of what is behind and unpaid. |
Ibid. |
Notice to
name to
Taxes. |
Notice to be given in the Church every Easter
by the Church-wardens to
such and so many of the substantial Housholders, as they think fit to meet
them on the next Tuesday after Easter in the Vestry or Chancel
of the said Church
to make the said Assessment. And upon default of notice or meeting,
Person offending therein which shall not make proof of a reasonable
cause of
his absence before some one Justice of Peace of the City and Liberty of
shall forfeit the Sum of 5 l. to the said Preacher, to be levied
by distress
and sale of the Offenders Goods, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of
one Justice of Peace, rendring the overplus to the Owner after deduction
reasonable Charges for levying the same. |
Ibid. |
for negligence.
Penalty for
Goods. |
If the Collector of, or for any Tax made by virtue
of this Act shall refuse to
accept the Office, or be negligent in his Duty, shall forfeit for every
the Sum of 40 s. to the use of the Poor of the said Parish, to be
levied by Warrant
of any one Justice of Peace under his Hand and Seal, by distress and sale
his Goods aforesaid. And if any person shall refuse to pay the Mony on
or her so rated or assessed by virtue of this Act, it shall and may be
lawful for
the said Collectors by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of any two Justices
of the Peace of the place, to levy the same by distress and sale of the
Goods of
the Offender, &c. And if any person so refusing or neglecting,
shall convey
away their Goods whereby the Sum assessed cannot be levied; any two Justices
of Peace are hereby impowred by Warrant under their Hands and Seals
to imprison
the Offender (not being a Peer or Peeress of this Realm) and to be detained
in the Common Gaol of the said City and Liberty of Westminster till
Sum so taxed be paid. |
Ibid. |
Justices to
Differences. |
And if difference arise between Landlord and Tenant
concerning the said
quarterly Assessments, or if any person find him or her self grieved with
Tax made by virtue of this Act, any two Justices of Peace as aforesaid,
hereby have power finally to determine the same as they shall think meet. |
Ibid. |
to account. |
Scavengers and Surveyors of the High-ways shall
account to two or more Justices,
&c. within four days after the electing new Scavengers and Surveyors
the ensuing Year, and shall account for what Mony is remaining in their
to the next ensuing Scavengers, and any two Justices as aforesaid, may
such Scavengers and Surveyors so refusing to account to the common Gaol
Bail or Mainprize until he make a true Account, and pay so much thereof
as he shall be found in Arrear.
Ibid. |
Corn. |
At the end of Chap. 27. add this.
The Justices of Peace at their Quarter-Sessions next
after Michaelmas and Easter
yearly, by the Oaths of two substantial Persons of the respective Counties,
neither Merchants nor Factors for importing Corn, nor interessed in
Corn imported, and having a Freehold Estate of 20 l. per annum, or
a Lease of
50 l. per annum above all Charges, &c. (which Oaths the Justices
are impowred
to administer) and by such ways as to them shall seem convenient to examine
the Prices of midling English Corn and Grain as they shall be sold,
and certiife
the same with two such Oaths made as aforesaid, in Writing annext, unto
Majesties chief Officer or Collector of the Customs, residing in the respective
Ports where such Corn shall be imported, to be hung up in the Custom-house
for publick Information; And the Custom and Duty of all such Foreign Corn
shall be collected according to the price in such Certificate. Provided
whatsoever is done by the Justices of Peace at their Quarter-Sessions in
their several
Counties, may be done in like manner in London, in October and
April |
1 Jac. 2.
c. 19. |