Ibid. |
Every Minister shall keep a Register of all Burials
and Affidavits; and where
no Affidavit is brought as aforesaid, shall enter a memorial thereof against
Name of the Party interred, and of the time when he notified the same to
the Church-wardens or Overseers of the Poor. And the Overseers when
give up their Accounts at the Sessions, or to any two Justices at their
Meetings, shall give an account of the name and quality of every Person
since their former account; And of such Certificates, and of their levying
the Penalties, and of their disposal thereof, on pain of 5 l. to
be levied by Distress
and sale of Goods, by Warrant from the said Justices or two of them:
their Accounts shall not be allowed till they have accounted for the Burials, |
Accounts. |
Ibid. |
No Penalty shall be incurred, where the Party died
of the Plague. |
Plague. |
32 Car. 2.
c. 1. |
And now by the Statute of 32 Car. 2. (where
no Justice of Peace shall reside
or be to be found in any Parish where any party shall be interred) such
Oaths or Affidavits may be administred, not only by such Magistrates as
but by any Person, Vicar or Curate in the same County, other than of
the Parish or Chappel of Ease, where the Party is interred, and they are
attest the same under their Hands gratis.
Affidavit. |
1 Jac. 2.
c. 10. |
At the end of Chap. 21. add this.
The Clerk or chief Officer of his Majesties Green-Cloth,
shall three days at
least before his Majesties arrival give notice by Warrant from the Green-Cloth
Writing to two or more of his Majesties Justices of Peace next adjoyning,
to provide
such a number of Carts and Carriages from the places next adjacent, as
Majesty shall have present use of, expressing the certainty of that number,
as also
the time and place when and where they are to attend; which Carriages shall
consist of four Horses, or six Oxen, or four Oxen and two Horses, for each
which Cart or Carriage the Owner shall receive 6 d. for each Mile
they go
laden: And upon refusal or neglect, &c. shall upon Conviction
thereof by the
Oath of the Constable, &c. or two other credible Witnesses before the
Justices of Peace of the County, or Mayor, &c. where he or they inhabit
(which Oath they shall have power to administer) the party so refusing
or neglecting,
shall forfeit 40 s. to the Kings use, to be levied by distress,
&c. rendering
to the party the overplus by Warrant from the said Justices, &c. |
Number of
Horses or
Forfeiture. |
Ibid. |
No Horses, Oxen, &c. shall be forced to travel
above one days journy from
the place of lading, nor without ready Mony: And in case any
Justice of Peace,
Mayor, &c. shall take any Gift to spare any such Person, or shall injuriously
charge or grieve any Person through envy or malice, or shall impress more
Carriages than directed by the Green-Cloth, That then upon due proof and
the Party so offending shall forfeit 10 l. to the Party grieved,
or any who
shall sue for the same, &c. |
But one
days journy.
Forfeiture. |
Ibid. |
And whereas extraordinary prices for Hay, Oats,
&c. have been exacted from
his Majesties Servants during their abode, Any two or more of the Justices
Peace near adjoyning to the Road through which his Majesty is to pass,
immediately after notice from the Green-Cloth and Avenor under their
and Seals, set down reasonable Rates to be paid during his Majesties abode
for Hay, Oaths, and other Accommodations for Horses, as they in their discretions
shall think fit, whereof Proclamation to be made a day at least in some
Town before their Majesties Arrival. And if any Person shall take
greater Sum than as aforesaid limited, and be thereof convicted by confession,
or by the Oath of one credible Witness before one Justice of Peace (which
Oath the said Justice of Peace is hereby authorised to administer) then
to pay
to the Party grieved 40 s. the Sum to be levied by distress by Warrant
from the
said Justice, and by sale thereof, returning the overplus to the party,
of Distress first deducted). This Act to have continuance no
longer than the
first Sessions of next Parliament.
Price of
Corn, Hay,
Penalty. |
1 Jac. 2.
c. 22. |
At the end of Chap. 23. add this.
Debts incurr'd for the Building of the Church of
St. James's to be charged upon
the Inhabitants and Occupiers of Lands, Tenements, &c. within the said
Parish to be paid in four years by sixteen quarterly Payments, successively
to be
taxed by the Church-wardens and Vestry-men of the said Parish according
the improv'd value. All which said Assessments shall be confirmed
and allowed |
St. James's
Vestry to
Tax. |
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