Chap. 24. |
These Overseers, or two of them, shall (or may) from
time to time, or
once every Month, at least, go into all or any Houses, Shops, or other
Rooms of any Clothier, Draper, Cloth-worker, or other person where
such Cloth shall be, or shall be suspected to be, and there make due search
and tryal, &c. 39 Eliz. c. 20 & 21 Jac.c.18. |
The Overseers
39 Eliz.
21 Jac. 18. |
Also the same Overseer shall fix on every Cloth
(by them viewed) a
Seal of Lead, containing the length and the weight of every such Cloth,
together with this word Searched, or Faulty, if there be
cause, and shall
be viewed, searched, or weighed by none other, upon pain to forfeit to
the party grieved Five pound, to be recovered in the Quarter Sessions. |
P. 15. |
Also every Overseer of Cloth, appointed by any former
Law (now in
force,) to fix unto any kind of Cloth a Seal of Lead, shall ingrave or
upon every their Seals of Lead (which they shall fix upon any Cloth by
them to the sealed) his Chisitan and Sirname: And no Cloth to be
with any Seal of Lead which shall want such ingraving or Print, shall be
allowed to be sufficiently sealed. 21 Jac. c. 18. |
Also the said Overseers shall seise and carry away
as forfeit all such Cloth
as upon their search they shall find not to be sealed with a Seal, containing
the just length and weight, and shall present the same Cloth to the Justices
of Peace at the next Quarter-Session of the Peace, 39 Eliz. 20. |
And if the said Overseers shall find any false Seal
set upon any Cloth,
or any Cloth to be stretched or strained, they shall present such Defaults
the said next Sessions, together with the names of the owners of such
Cloths. Ibid. |
But Cloth once lawfully searched, viewed, weighed,
and sealed by the
Overseers and Searchers of the Parish, Town, or place, where the said
Cloths be made, shall not afterwards be viewed, searched, or weighed by
any other Person or Officer whatsoever. 4 Jac.c. 2. &
21 Jac. c. 18. |
18 Eliz. |
And if the said Overseers shall find any such Tenters,
Wrinches, or Engines
(for the stretching of Cloth) they shall deface the same; and for the
second offence therein, they shall take away the said Tenters, &c.
shall sell the same to the best value thereof, and by the consent of two
of Peace shall dispose the Mony thereof to the Poor of that Parish.
21 Jac. c. 18. |
21 Jac. 18. |
And if any Person, whose Tenters are defaced,
shall offend with them
a second time, he shall forfeit Five pounds, Forty shillings to be to the
and in the manner the Five pounds. |
If any Person, commanded by two Justices of Peace
to appear to be made
an Overseer according to this Statute, do (without reasonable excuse) refuse
to come and take upon him that Office, he shall forfeit for every such
refusal Five Pounds, the one half to the King, and the other half to those
two Justices: and shall remain in Ward to the Sheriff, until he hath
the same Forfeiture, or put in Sureties for the same, 39 Eliz. c. 20. |
§. 6. |
P. Drap.
118. |
The Mony that shall be made upon the sale of any
Tenters, Wrinches,
and other such Engines, shall be disposed (to the poor of the Parish where
the said Tenters, &c. shall be found) by the consent of any two Justices
Peace within the same County. |
7 Jac. 17. |
But by Statute 7 Jacobi, certain Cloths made
within the County of
Cumberland, Westmerland, and Lancaster, shall not be
subject to search, &c.
Also by the Statute of 3 Jac. c. 1, 7. Welsh Cottons
shall not be searched,
nor tried, neither need they have any Seal containing their length or
weight. |
All Penalties and Forfeitures for want of length,
bredth, and weight of |
§. 7.
The Forfeitures. |
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