50 |
time, (at their discretions) of any Woollen Cloth, to be made or sold
in any
Town not being Corporate, and may charge them upon their Oaths, and
bind them in Recognizance of Forty pound apiece, to do their best indeavours
by all lawful ways and means, for their time, to see the Statutes
of 3 Ed. 6. c. 2. and of 39 Eliz. c. 20. in all points
truly observed and kept
within their limits, (sc. within the Town or Parish where the said
shall be dwelling) The particulars seem to be these. |
Chap. 24. |
§. 3.
Duty of Overseers. |
1. That the Weights, Lengths, and Breadths,
of all Woollen Cloths, be
according to the Statute 39 El. See the Statutes 4 Jac.
c. 2 & 21 Jac. 18. |
P. Dra.
114. |
2. That every such Cloth have a Seal of Lead,
containing the just length
and weight. 39 Eliz. |
3. That such be not stretched or strained.
Ibid. |
4. Where there be any Tenters, Wrinches, or
other such Engine for the
stretching of Cloth. Ibid. |
21 Jac. 18. |
5. That no Iron Cards or Pickards, be occupied
in any Woollen Cloths,
3 Ed. 6. c. 2. |
6. That Cloths or Wools be not falsly Died
or Coloured. Ibid. |
7. That no Hair, Flocks, Thrums, Yarn made
of Lambs-wool, Chalk,
Flower, or Starch, or other deceivable thing, be put in or upon any Woollen
Cloth, upon pain to forfeit for every Offence Five pound, to the
use of
the Poor of the Parish where such Cloth is made. See 3 Ed.
6 & 43 Eliz.
c. 10. & & 4 Jac. c. 2. & 21 Jac. c. 18. |
8. That no Cloths be in any deceivable manner
pressed, to be put to Sale,
3 Ed. 6. See also of the Statutes of 5 Ed. 6. c.
6. & 21 Jac. c. 18. |
The Statute of 5 Edw. 6. speaks of Hot-presses,
which is a deceitful way
of Pressing of Cloths, and is much to its damage, and makes them seem fair
to the Eye, when they are full of faults, and are dangerous also for fire.
As was attested by Cloth-workers in the Kings-Bench. 13
Jac. Rolls, Rep.
2 part. p. 312. |
§. 4.
Conviction. |
Any two (or more) Justices of Peace within the County,
City, Borough,
or Town-Corporate, where deceivable Cloth shall be made, or suspected
to be made, (upon Complaint or Information of any Overseer, Searcher, or
any other, of any such Offence) may grant their Warrant to call before
them any person or persons that in their discretion shall be thought fit
discover any such Offence, and may examine upon Oath any such persons
for the trial and better finding out of the said Offence. And if
upon such
Examination it shall be found by Testimony of two Witnesses (or more) or
by the Confession of the Offender, that any such offence hath been committed,
the same shall be a sufficient Conviction of the offence; and then the
said Justices shall or may certifie such offence unto the Church-wardens
and Overseers (for the time being) of the Poor of the Parish where such
deceivable Cloth shall be made, under the Hands and Seals of the said
Justices; And upon such Certificate, and a Warrant made by the said Justices
to the said Overseers and Church-wardens for the levying of the Forfeiture,
the said Overseers and Church-wardens, or any of them, or their,
or any of their Successors, immediately from and after such Certificate
Warrant delivered to them, or any of them, may levy the sum or sums of
Mony, which by the said Certificate and Warrant shall appear to be forfeited,
by way of Distress and Sale of the Offenders Goods, rendring to the
Offender the overplus, &c. and in defect of such Distress, the said
two Justices
may commit the Offender to the Common Gaol, there to remain without
Bail, until payment shall be made of the sums so forfeited, to the said
Overseers and Church-wardens, or some, or one of the, &c. 21
Jac.c. 18. |
21 Jac. 12. |