52 |
Cloth, limited by any Statute now in force, shall be distributed into
parts equally; whereof one third part shall be unto the Searchers,
and certifying the same, &c. To be recovered by them, at,
or in the Quarter
Sessions of the County, City, or Town Corporate, where the offence
is committed by Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information. And
the other
two parts shall be the Poor of the Parish where the said Cloth shall
be made: The said two parts to be levied by way of Distress, and
of the Offenders Goods, &c. upon a Warrant from two Justices of Peace,
&c. 21 Jac. 18. |
Chap. 24. |
§. 8. |
And because by the Statute of 21 Jac.
all Penalties and Forfeitures, for
want of length, breadth, and weight of Cloths, are under the power of
Justices of Peace for their direction therein, I shall set down the same
they are mentioned in the Statutes of 4 Jac. 2. & 25 Eliz.
c. 17. & 5 Ed. 6.
c. 6. & 4, 5. Ph. & Mar. c. 5. |
1. Broad Cloths, and Cloth of Died Wool
and Mingled-Colours, shall contain
between 30 and 40 Yards, every Yard and Inch of the Standard,
no more; and in breadth, 6 Quarters and a half of a Yard within
the List
and shall be in weight 86 pounds. |
4 Jac. 2.
5, 6 Ed. 6.
c. 6.
4, 5, Ph. &
Ma. c. 5. |
2. Long worcesters, and Cloth of like making
between 30 and 33 Yards;
and in breadth 7 Quarters; and shall weigh 78 pounds. |
Ibid. |
3. Long coloured Cloths called Plunkets,
Azures, and Blews, and long
White Cloths, and Cloths of like make, be in length between 29 and
32 Yards;
and in breadth, 6 Quarters and a half, and weigh 86 pounds. |
Ibid. |
4. Short Cloths coloured, and shore White
Cloths called Sorting Cloths, in
length between 23 and 26 Yards; and in breadth, 6
Quarters within the
List, and weight 64 pounds. |
Ibid. |
5. White short Suffolk, or Cloth of the
like make, shall contain in length
between 23 and 26 Yards; and in breadth 6 Quarters
and a half, and weigh
64 pounds. |
Ibid. |
6. Every White Cloth of like making, called
Handy-Warps, shall contain
between 29 and 32 such Yards in length; and in breadth 6
Quarters, and
weigh 76 pounds. |
Ibid. |
7. Broad Plunkets, Azures, Blew, and other
Cloth of like make, shall contain
in length between 26 and 28 Yards, and in breadth 7 Quarters
an half, and weigh 68 pounds. |
6 E. 6
35 El. c. 9. |
' 8. Short Cloths made of Died or Mingled
Colours in Yorkshire, or
' of like make, between 23 & 25 Yards in length; and in breadth 6
' Quarters and a half, and weigh 66 pounds. |
' 9. Broad Listed Whites and Reds, called
' in length between 26 & 28 Yards, in breadth, 6 Quartes and a
' half, and weigh 64 pounds. |
27 Eliz.
c. 17.
5, 6 Ed. |
' 10. Narrow Listed Whites and Reds, called
' length between 26 & 28 Yards, breadth 6 Quarters and an half, and
' 60 pounds. |
6. c. 1.
4, 5 Ph. &
M. c. 5.
Ibid. |
' 11. Fine Cloth with plain Lists, between
29 & 32 Yards, breadth 6
' Quarters and an half, and weigh 72 pounds. |
Ibid. |
' 12. Cloths having stup Lists, and not plain
Lists, length between 30
' & 33 Yards, breadth 7 Quarters, and weigh 78 pounds. |
' 13. Broad cloth called Yauntons, Bridgewaters,
and Dunsters, between
' 12 & 13 Yards, breadth 7 Quarters, and weigh 30 pounds. |
' 14. Narrow Cloth of that sort, length between
24 & 25 Yards, breadth
' one Yard, weigh 30 pounds, the half Cloth to be proportionable. |
' 15. All such Broad-cloths and Narrow-cloths,
made into White and
' Red in Yorkshire; the broad to hold the like weight, length, and
measure; |