Chap. 22, 23, 24.
5 Edw. 6.
14. |
Cattle. Churches. Cloth.
NO Person shall buy any Oxen, Routs, Steers, Kine,
Heifers, Calves,
Sheep, Lambs, Goats, or Kids alive, and sell the same again, unless
he keep the same five weeks in his own Grounds; or where he hath Herbage
by Grant or Prescription, upon pain to lose double the value of the Cattle;
one moiety to the King, the other to the Informer. |
§. 1.
Selling live
Cattle. |
5 E. 6.14. |
Drovers Licensed in Writing by three Justices
of Peace, Quorum unus,
may buy Cattle, and sell them again in Fairs and Markets, at reasonable
prices, distant from the place where bought, Forty miles, at lease.
So that
such Cattle be not bought by Forestalling.
§. 2.
Drovers. |
THe Bishop of the Diocess, where two Parishes
ly in an Corporation,
with the consent of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Justices of Peace,
Bailiff or Bailiffs, or other chief Officers, or the major part of them;
and the
Patrons may by due Order of Law, unite the two Churches or Chappels, and
may appoint where Gods worship shall be performed; and to that, the Parishioners
shall resort, and pay their Tithes, 17 Car. 2. cap. 3. |
§. 1.
Uniting. |
5, 6 E. 6.4. |
If any shall strike another
in a Church or Churchyard, or draw a Weapon
in a Church or Churchyard, with an intent to strike; and being thereof
by Verdict, or Confession, or Oath, of two Witnesses before (amongst
others) the Justices of Peace in their Sessions, shall be adjudged to have
one of his Ears cut off; and having no Ears, then shall be burned in the
Cheek with an hot Iron, having the letter F. |
§. 2.
Striking. |
15. b. |
But an indictment alone with an Outlawry upon
it, is not such a Conviction
as to inflict the corporal punishment required by this Act. |
Dyer. 275.9. |
A Man takes up a stone in a Churchyard, and offers
to throw at another,
or having a Hatchet or Ax in his hand, offers to strike another;
this is
not within 5 E. 6. by two Justices; for these are not such Weapons
as are
drawn, as a Sword and Dagger.
§. 3
Conviction. |
19 Eliz.
c. 20.
43 Eliz. 10.
P. Drap.
118, 127. |
EVery Justice of Peace may enter in and upon any
Houses, Land, or
Grounds, and make search for any Tenters, Wrinches, or other Engines
whatsoever, whereby any deceit may be used in or about the stretching
of any Woollen Cloth; and may utterly deface the same Tenters, &c.
And for the second offence may sell them away to the best value thereof.
But the disposing of such Mony shall be by two Justices. See hic
postea. |
§. 1.
One Justice
Searching. |
And if upon Information made to any Justice of Peace,
of any such
Tenters, &c. he shall not make search and execute this Law within seven
days, he shall forfeit for every such default five pounds. |
Penalty. |
P. Drap.
115, 127.
3 E. 6.2.
33 El. 20.
43 El. 20. |
Also one or two of the Justice of Peace of the Shire,
next adjoyning to
any City, Borough, or Town Corporate within England, may joyn with
them of such City, Borough, or Town-Corporate, in appointing the yearly
Overseers for such Cloths, &c. Ibid. |
P. Drap.
45, 115,
118. |
Any two Justices of Peace within their limits may
once every year appoint
Overseers or Searchers for that whole year following, or for a shorter |
§. 2.
Two Justices
Overseers. |