48 |
places as they think fit; not above twelve miles distant from the
place of
Landing, to send to; and at certain place and time, such number of Carriages
with Horses or Oxen sufficient, as is required, the Owner or Servant
to receive Twelve pence for every reputed mile for a Tun of Timber,
and Eight pence per mile for every Tun of other Provisions.
14 car. 2.
cap. 20. |
Chap. 21. |
§. 2.
Refusal. |
Every Person refusing, or having undertaken his
duty, neglecting or delaying
it, upon proof or conviction by Oath of the Constable, or other Officer,
or Oath of two Witnesses, before the said Justices, or Major, or Chief
of the City or Corporation where they dwell; the party for every
offence shall pay Twenty shillings, which in default of payment, upon
demand, is to be levied by distress and Sale by Warrant of the Justices,
the overplus; the charge of distraining being deducted. 14 Car.
cap. 20. |
No Carriages be compelled to travel further,
or to continue in the service
longer than the Justices shall by order direct, and shall receive payment
the place of Landing. 14 Car. 2. cap. 20. |
§. 3.
Allowance. |
The Justices of Peace that shall summon any Carriages
in New Forest for
Timber, may allow Four pence per mile, for every mile they shall
go empty to
the place of Landing. 14 Car. 2. cap. 20. |
§. 4.
Bribes. |
A Justice of Peace, or other Officer, taking
any reward for excuse from
service, or grieving any person of ill-will, or impressing more than is
upon due proof and conviction, shall forfeit Ten pound, to be recovered
by Warrant of Debt in any of the King Courts of Record. 14 Car.
cap. 20. |
§. 5.
for Progress. |
The Clerk or chief Officer of the Kings Carriages
shall three days before
his arrival, by Warrant from the Green-cloth, give notice to two or more
Justices of Peace next adjoyning, to provide such Carts and Carriages as
his Majesty shall have use of, expressing the number, time and place, which
shall consist of four able Horses, or six Oxen, or four Oxen and two Horses,
for each of which the owner shall receive Six pence per mile; and
if any
shall refuse to provide them for ready Mony tendred, or refuse to appear,
then upon proof by the Constable or Officers Oath, or two Witnesses before
the Justices of the County, or Mayor, or chief Officer of the City or Corporation
where the party inhabits, he shall forfeit Forty shillings to be
levied to the Kings use, by Warrant from the said Justices, or Mayor or
chief Officer, by distress and sale, rendring the overplus: but none
shall go
above a days Journey from the place of Lading. 13 Car. 2. cap. 8. |
§. 6. |
Any two or more Justices next the Road upon notice
in writing from the
Green-cloth, and Avenor, under their hands, shall set down the prices
of Hay, Oats, and other accommodations for Horses for such time as
His Majesty shall stay there; and one day before His Majesties coming shall
proclaim the same in that Town and Village adjoyning: And if any
more, upon conviction, by Confession or Oath of one Witness before any
Justice of Peace, he shall pay to the party Forty shillings, to be levied
above. |
13 Car.
c. 8. |
§. 7.
Bribe. |
If any Justice, Major, Constable, or Officer
shall take any Reward to excuse
any Carriage, or shall injuriously, out of malice, charge any who ought
not to
make such Carriage, or impress more Carriages than be required, he shall
forfeit Ten pounds to the party grieved, to be recovered in Debt in any
Court of Record. 13 Car. 2. cap. 3. |