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Maryland Manual, 1932
Volume 149, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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The average current expense cost in 1931 of educating a pupil in the
schools of the twenty three counties was $56. Graded schools having
three or more teachers with better trained teachers, more equipment,
and expenditures for transportation coat less per pupil than rural schools
having one or two teachers chiefly because the classes were larger. Trans
portation was provided at public expense for 29,006 county pupils at a
cost of $744,400.

There were 55 per cent of the white county schools, and 74 per cent
of the colored schools in the counties which reported that they had
parent teacher associations organized in 1931.

Maryland's school system is frequently visited and studied by other
states and counties because of its plan for effective administration and
supervision in a county unit system, and because of its method of dis-
tributing school funds on the basis of need through its Equalization

Board of Education.Baltimore City.

The public school system of Baltimore is separate and distinct
from the school system of the State, is controlled by a board of nine
members appointed by the Mayor of Baltimore, and not under the
jurisdiction of the State Board of Education.
Raymond S. Williams, President.

Theodore E. Straus Mrs. Louis H. Levin
J. Alan Fledderman John H. Duncan
Addison E. Mullikin Dr. Joseph S. Ames
Mrs. John Wesley Brown Dr. John Ruhrah

David E. Weglein . . . ............. . Baltimore

Assistant Superintendents:

Carleton E. Donglass . . . Baltimore
Miss Laura Frazee ..... .. . Baltimore
William R Flowers .. . . Baltimore
J. Carey Taylor .. . Baltimore
John W. Lewis . ......... Baltimore

520 North Charles Street, Baltimore
(Terms Expire 1933.)
Advisory to Albert S. Cook, State Superintendent of Schools.

Ex-Officio Members:
Joseph L. Wheeler, Librarian,

Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore

Miss Mary E. Shearn, Librarian . . State Library, Annapolis
Members appointed by the Governor:

Mrs. Charlotte Newell .................. Baltimore
Mrs. Charles H. Reed . . . . . Bel Air
Joseph H. Apple . . .. - .............. Frederick
Dr. Paul E. Titsworth Chestertown
R. H. Lee Reich . . . . La Plata
State Director of Library Extension:

Miss Adelene J. Pratt .......... . .. Baltimore
Assistant Librarians:

Elizabeth Billingslea Westminster
Naomi Johnson Baltimore
Junior Assistant Librarian
Sarah F. Cockey .. Baltimore


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Maryland Manual, 1932
Volume 149, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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