The Reorganization Act of 1922 transferred the duties of the Mary-
land Public Library Commission to the State Superintendent of Schools
and created the Maryland Public Library Advisory Commission. The
Governor appoints five members of this Commission, two of whom shall
be women. The first appointees hold office until the first Monday in
May, 1924, and thereafter for a term of two years from the first Mon-
day in May. These five members, together with the State Librarian
and the Librarian of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, constitute the Com-
It shall be the duty of the Commission, from time to time, to advise,
counsel and aid the State Superintendent of Schools with respect to the
performance of duties relating to the work of the public libraries of the
Frederick, Maryland.
Name. ' Postoffice
John K. Shaw, President Baltimore
George R Dennis ........ Frederick
Palmer Tennant . . . Hagerstown
Jesse 0. Snyder ............................. Hagerstown
Isaac H. Moss ................ Govanstown
Richard P. Ross, Chairman Executive Com Frederick
Ernest Helfenstein, Secretary . .. ........ Frederick
J. Frank Harper ....................... .. Centreville
Richard Potts .......... Frederick
D. John Markey .. .. Frederick
T. West Claggett ............ ... . Baltimore
S. Elmer Brown . ......... .. Frederick
Charles H. Conley, M. D ... . .... Frederick
M. Ernest Jenkins ............. ............ Baltimore
Charles McC. Mathias, Treasurer Frederick
Jacob Rohrback Frederick
Frank L. Stoner .......... . .. . Frederick
B. 0. Thomas, M. D. ... . Frederick
Marion T. Hargis..................... ........ Snow Hill
Walter W. Mobley ......... . . ..... Derwood
Oscar E. Webb .......... ... Baltimore
Robert E. Delaplaine .. , ... Frederick
Thomas B. Hayward . .. . Frederick
John H. Baker, Vice-President . . . . Buckeystown
Henry G. Penniman .. . .... Elkridge
S. Marvin Peach . . . . . . . Hyattsville
Frank I. Duncan .. ........ . Towson
Samuel Grafton Duvall Frederick
W. W. Hanly . ..... Cumberland
Milton D. Norris, M D Sykesville
Auditor, Ignatius Bjorlee.
Board consists of 30 members. Governor appoints to fill vacancies
only. No term. (Ch. 247, 1867, and Ch. 797, 1916.)
All scholarships are free to deaf children of the State.
Deaf Children are here educated to become self-supporting members
of society. Besides the regular course of study, including high school
branches, every boy at graduation has become master of gome trade,
such as Printing, Cabinet-making, Shoemaking, Tailoring etc., while
the girls will have completed a course in Domestic Science and House-