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Maryland Manual, 1932
Volume 149, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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During the school year ending in June, 1931, there was at least one
supervising or helping teacher in every county in Maryland. This is the
tenth year that this satisfactory situation has existed. The State pays
two-thirds of the salaries according to the minimum schedule of the
county supervising and helping teachers and of county superintendents.
The improvement in the results of the tests in reading and arithmetic
is one evidence of effective supervision.

Supervision or improving instruction is accomplishing the following
results in the elementary schools:

1. There is organization of what to teach and when it should
be taught where formerly there wag chaos. The goals in the
various subjects published by the State Department of Edu-
cation after criticism of supervisors and. teachers are help-
ing in course of study making.

2. Higher standards of teaching have been set up and main-
tained in place of the low standards which formerly pre-
vailed. Demonstration lessons by supervisors and by su-
perior teachers in teachers' meetings are one means of ac-
complishing this.

3. Definite standards for the progress of children are held up
and reached where formerly there was no guide. State-wide
standardized tests in the "Three R's" are given at inter-
vals; State-wide tests in history and geography have been
recently given; and informal teats in all the school subjects
are given in each county. (See 1.)

4. The gradual elimination of the excessive number of over-
age pupils is being brought about since the advent of super-
vision. Age-grade studies and analysis of the results of teats
are helping to bring better classification of pupils.

5. Physical conditions in the schools are much improved by
reason of the supervisor's insistence. Standards for elemen-
tary schools have been set up and more and more schools
are meeting them.

6. All teachers, whether beginners or those of experience and
superior merit, are receiving helpful supervisory visits in
their classrooms and are participating in professional group
meetings conducted by the county supervisors.

1. Supervision is breaking down the isolation of the teacher
in rural schools and is utilizing all the strength of all the
teachers for the benefit of each one of them.

8. Better understanding on the part of the public of what the
schools are trying to accomplish is the result of an increas-
ing number of visits to the schools by parents, the organi-
zation of active parent-teacher associations, and talks made
by the supervisors before men's and women's clubs. In ad-
dition a large number of visitors from other States come
to Maryland for the purpose of studying teaching and

In the fall of 1931 there were 51 supervising or helping teachers em-
ployed for the 3,049 white elementary teachers scattered over the 9,870
square miles in the Maryland counties, an average of 00 teachers for
each supervising or helping teacher. The large progressive school systems
of Cleveland and Detroit have a supervising principal for each group of
25 professionally trained teachers, localized in a single building. In
Connecticut each supervisory agent has from 30 to 40 teachers under his


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Maryland Manual, 1932
Volume 149, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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