the president and'commissioners for the time being shall con-
tinue in office until such election shall be held.
146. The limits of said village shall commence on the Susque-
hanna River, at the mouth of Bock Bun, and extend a quarter *
of a mile in an easterly direction up the said ran, then in a
parallel line with the river until it strikes a run called Cully's
Kun, then down the said run until it strikes the river, and then
by and with the said river to the place of beginning.
147. The said commissioners, or a majority of them, may ap-
point a clerk and prescribe his duties, and allow him such com-
pensation for his services as they may think proper.
148. All ordinances passed by the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, shall be entered by the clerk in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose, and shall be open at all times for
inspection of any person interested, and copies of all ordinances
shall be set up in the most public places of said village, that the
same may be generally made known.
149. The said commissioners shall have power to determine
upon and regulate all matters relating to the building of wharves
in said village, and to regulate the mooring of rafts, arks and
boats on the waters of the Susquehanna Biver, in front of said
150. The proprietors of lots binding on and entitled to the
privileges of the waters in said village, may, subject to the rules,
regulations and ordinances of said commissioners, wharf out,
extend and improve the whole front of their lots for such dis-
tance as from time to time they shall think proper, and they
shall be entitled exclusively to such emoluments arising from
the wharfage thereof, as may be fixed upon by the said commis-
sioners; but nothing contained in this or the preceding section
shall prevent the owner of any wharf erected in said village
from having the exclusive right to use, occupy and enjoy the
same at pleasure.
• 151. The said commissioners may pass all by-laws and ordi-
nances necessary to give effect and operation to all the powers
vested in the said corporation, and to impose fines, penalties and
forfeitures for the breach thereof; but no ordinance of said com-