missionera shall impose a fine, penalty or forfeiture for any one
offence of more than ten dollars.
152. They shall have power to levy and collect taxes in said
* village not exceeding in any one year thirty cents in the hundred
dollars on the assessable property of said village.
153. They shall once in every three years, or oftener if they
think proper, appoint an assessor, who shall, under oath, value
and assess the property in said village, in the same manner and
with like authority, as county assessors proceed to assess in the
county; but in assessing any of the lands within the limits of
said village which may be occupied and used as farms, or may
be a part or parts of farms, such lands shall be valued and as-
sessed as lots of ten acres of ground, with the buildings and im-
provements thereon, and shall not be valued and assessed by the
number of acres therein contained.
164. If any owner of property assessed in said village, shall
feel aggrieved by the assessment made by said assessor, he
may appeal to the said president and commissioners, who may
make such deduction therein as to them may seem just and
155. The said commissioners, or a majority of them, may an-
nually appoint an active and discreet person to be bailiff, con-
stable and collector within the limits of said village, who, before
he shall proceed to the execution of his office, shall take an oath
before a justice of the peace for said county that he will faith-
fully and impartially perform the duties required of him as
bailiff and collector within the limits of said village, without
favor, affection or partiality, according to the best of his skill
and judgment, and shall also give bond in the same manner and
in the same penalties as the several constables of said county.
156. The said bailiff and collector shall attend the meetings
of the commissioners whenever he shall be required, to perform
such services as shall from time to time be by them directed; he
shall prevent the tumultuous and irregular meetings of slaves
and free negroes within the limits of said village, or, if so assem-
bled, shall disperse them by reasonable and lawful means, and
shall punish, with moderate correction, all such slaves aftd free
negroes as shall be found wandering about the streets at night;
and prevent slaves from frequenting the houses of other per-