informer be a member of the said fire department, when the
entire amount of said forfeit shall be for the use of the beneficial
fund of that department.
244. Any minor, and all and every disorderly person or per-
sons found running to a fire, or after, before or about an engine
or other fire apparatus, who, after being warned away by any
officer of a fire company, shall refuse or neglect to obey such
warning, shall be deemed guilty of exciting to riot, and upon
conviction thereof, before the Criminal Court of Baltimore, or
any other court of competent jurisdiction, shall forfeit and pay
not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, one-half to the use
of the beneficial fund of the Baltimore United Fire Department
and the other half to the use of the informer, except the in-
former be a member of said fire department, when the entire
amount of said forfeit shall be for the use of the beneficial fund
of that'department.
245. Any group or collection of minors or other persons found
collected in any of the streets, lanes or 'alleys of the city of
Baltimore, or any other place, for the purpose of intercepting
the passage of any engine or other apparatus for the extinguish-
ment of fires belonging to any one or more of the companies,
shall be deemed guilty of exciting a riot, and on conviction
thereof before the Criminal Court of Baltimore, or any other
court of competent jurisdiction, shall each forfeit and pay a sum
not less than twenty and not exceeding fifty dollars, one-half to
the use of the beneficial fund of the Baltimore United Fire De-
partment and the other half for the use of the informer, except
the informer be a member of said fire department, when the
entire amount of said forfeit shall be for the use of the beneficial
fund of that department.
246. The standing committee of the Baltimore United Fire
Department in the city of Baltimore and the presidents of the
several fire companies, shall severally, by virtue of their respect-
ive offices, be vested with and have and exercise all the powers
and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace whilst accompanying
any engine or other apparatus for the extinguishment of fire,
and whilst attending at, going to, or returning from any fire.