247. The fire inspector commissioned by the mayor under the
ordinance of the corporation, may, whenever in his judgment
the occasion demands it, issue a summons in the name of the
State to any person requiring him to attend before such in-
spector, at such time and place as may be named in the sum-
mons, to testify under oath, to be administered by the inspector,
as to the origin and cause of any fire occurring in the said city.
248. Such summons may be directed to any police officer of
the city, or any constable, sheriff or coroner of the said city
who is authorized to serve the same.
249. The mayor and city council of Baltimore may pass all
such ordinances as they may deem necessary and proper to
suppress the evil and pernicious practice of firing and dis-
charging crackers within the limits of said city, either by pro-
hibiting the sale of crackers or otherwise.
260. The master or commander of any vessel arriving from
a foreign country, or from any other of the "United States, who
shall enter said vessel at the custom house in the city of Balti-
more, shall, within twenty-four hours after such entry, make a
report in writing on oath to the mayor or register of said city
of the name, age and occupation of every alien who shall have
been brought or carried as passenger in such vessel, on that
voyage, upon pain of forfeiture for every neglect or omission to
make such report, of the sum of twenty dollars for every such
passenger neglected or omitted to be so reported.
251. The mayor of the city of Baltimore, or other person
discharging the duties of his office, shall require the owner or
consignee of every vessel arriving from a foreign country, or
from any other of the United States, which shall be entered in
said custom house, upon pain of forfeiture to the mayor and city
council of twenty dollars for every neglect or omission, to give
a several bond to the State of Maryland in the penalty of three
hundred dollars, for each passenger included in the report of the
master or commander of such vessel directed to be made by the