CHAP. 20. Plate of gold and silver shall be
into the king's mint by weight, and not by
number, and so shall the money be returned.
CHAP. 21. The king's butlers shall purvey no
more wine than shall be appointed.
CHAP. 22. He that purchaseth a provision in
Rome for an abbey, shall be out of the king's protection,
and any man may do with him, as with
the king's enemy. |
A statute of provisors of benefices, 25 Edw. 3, Stat.
6.--A. D. 1350.
The king and other lords shall present unto benefices
of their own, or their ancestors' foundation,
and not the bishop of Rome.
A statute of provisors, 27 Edw. 3, Stat. 1.--A.
D. 1353.
CHAP. 1. Præmunire for suing in a foreign
realm, or impeaching of judgment given.
CHAP. 2. In a pardon of felony, the suggestions
and suggestor's name shall be comprised.
CHAP. 3. Commissions shall be granted to
enquire of offenders, contrary to the statute of 23
Edw. 3, Ch. 6.
CHAP. 4. The aulneger's fee for every cloth
sold.--Cloths shall be sealed before they be put
to sale.--A subsidy granted to the king of every
cloth sold.
CHAP. 5. It shall be felony to forestal or ingross
Gascoin wine.
CHAP. 6. Merchants may bring their wines
to what ports they will.
CHAP. 7. When and where Gascoin wines
may be bought.
CHAP. 8. Red and white wine shall be guaged;
and the punishment of him that hindereth it. |
CHAP. 2. See the note on 2 Edw. 3, Ch. 2.
CHAP. 3. Expired. |