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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 37   View pdf image
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                                                                STATUTES NOT FOUND APPLICABLE.                                                            37

A Statute for the clergy, 25 Edw. 3, Stat. 3.--A. D. 1350.


    CHAP's 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.


    None of these extended to the province.

Statute of cloths, 25 Edw. 3, Stat. 4.--A. D. 1350.

This statute contained 4 chapters.

A statute of purveyors, 25 Edw. 3, Stat. 5.--A. D. 1350.


    CHAP. 1.  By what measures the king's purveyors
shall take corn.--Things purveyed shall
be praised, and tallies made thereof.
    CHAP. 6.  A purveyor shall not cut timber in
or about any persons house.
    CHAP. 7.  Keepers of a forest or chase, shall
gather nothing without the owners good will.
    CHAP. 8.  None shall be bound to find men of
arms, but by tenure or grant to parliament.
    CHAP. 9.  Auncel weight shall be put out, and
weighing shall be by equal balance.
    CHAP. 11.  Aid to make the king's son a
knight, or to marry his daughter.
    CHAP. 12.  No person shall take profit by exchange
of gold or silver.
    CHAP. 13.  The money of gold or silver now
current, shall not be impaired.
    CHAP. 15.  The penalty of a purveyor taking
more sheep than be needful.
    CHAP. 16.  The exception of non tenure of
parcel, shall not abate the whole writ.
    CHAP. 18.  Villenage may be pleaded, and a
villain seized, though a libertate probanda be depending.
    CHAP. 19.  By the king's protection, the parties
suit shall not be hindered, but his execution.


    CHAP. 19.  See 3 Bl. Com. 289, as to the protection
by the king, under the common law, and
as restrained by this statute, but there is no instance
of such a protection having been given by
the proprietary.

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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 37   View pdf image
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