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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 36   View pdf image
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36                                                                STATUTES NOT FOUND APPLICABLE.

The oath of the justices, 18 Edw. 3, Stat. 4.--A. D. 1344.

    It appears by the proceedings of the legislature in 1722, that considerable disputes arose between
the two houses respecting the oaths taken by the judges, in which, reference was made to those taken
by the judges in England.
    In the 36 laws read in 1638, there was one establishing the form of the oath to be taken by judges.
In 1732, an act passed ascertaining the form of the oath of judge or justice, (Ch. 5,) which remained
in force till the revolution; the preamble stating, that the oath of judge or justice (appointed to be
taken, by the statute of the eighteenth of Edward the third,) did not, in many particulars, provide for
the constitution of this province.  For the oaths at present see the act of February 1777, Ch. 5.

The oaths of the clerks of the chancery, and of the clerks of course, 18 Edw. 3, Stat. 5.--
A. D.

See the above note.

Statutes made at Westminster, 20 Edw. 3.--A. D. 1346.


    CHAP. 1.  The justices of both benches, assize,
&c. shall do right to all men, take no fee but of
the king, nor give counsel where the king is
    CHAP. 2.  Barons of the exchequer shall do
right to all men without delay.
    CHAP. 3.  Justices of gaol-delivery, &c. and
their associates, shall take an oath.
    CHAP. 4.  None shall maintain any quarrels
but their own.
    CHAP. 5.  Justices of assize shall enquire of,
and punish the misdemeanour of officers and other


    CHAP. 4.  See the note on 4 Edw. 1, Ch. 25.

The statute of labourers, 23 Edw. 3.--A. D. 1349.

This statute contained 8 chapters.

A statute of labourers, 25 Edw. Stat. 1.--A. D. 1350.

This statute contained 7 chapters.

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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 36   View pdf image
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