CHAP. 5. The breadth of highways leading
from one market town to another.
CHAP. 6. That view of arms be made.--Hue
and cry shall be followed.--Fairs or markets
shall not be kept in church-yards. |
CHAP. 6. See the note on Ch's. 1 and 4, but
hue and cry here spoken of, relating to the armor
in the other parts of the statute, it is not considered
as having extended to the province. |
The Statute of Circumspecte Agatis, 13 Edw. 1, Stat.
D. 1285.
Certain cases wherein the king's prohibition
doth not lie. |
See 2 Inst. 487. This statute was never applicable
to the people of the province, or of the
state. |
The Statute of Quo Warranto, 18 Edw. 1, Stat. 2.--A.
D. 1290.
How they shall hold their liberties, which claim
them by prescription or grant.--A quo warranto
shall be pleaded and determined before justices
in eyre.
Another new statute of quo warranto, Stat.
made the same year to that effect. |
See 2 Bl. Com. 263. See also as to quo warranto,
the note on 9 Anne, Ch. 20.
Same. |
The Statute of Vouchers, 20 Edw. 1, Stat. 1.--A.
D. 1292.
In plea of land the tenant voucheth, and the demandant
counterpleadeth. |
See 2 Inst. 239, on 3 Edw. 1, Ch. 40, which
is referred to in this statute. |
A Statute of Waste, 20 Edw. 1, Stat. 2.--A.
D. 1292.
Tenant for life committeth waste, he in the reversion
brought of an action of waste, and dieth before
judgement, his heir brought an action for
the same waste. |
See Wood's institutes 549, in which a query is
made, whether this was a statute, or only an ordinance,
and in which it is stated that if a statute, it
is thought to have been repealed. |
The Statute de defencione juris, 20 Edw. 1, Stat. 3.--A.
D. 1292.
When a stranger coming in by collateral title, not party to the suit,
shall be received.