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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 25   View pdf image
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                                                                STATUTES NOT FOUND APPLICABLE.                                                           25

Stat. de iis qui ponendi sunt in assisis, 21 Edw. 1, Stat. 1.--A. D. 1293.


    What freehold lands jurors must have, which
shall pass in trial within the same county and


    See the note on 13 Edw. 1, Stat. 1, Ch. 38.

Stat. de malefactoribus in parcis, 21 Edw. 1, Stat. 2.--A. D. 1293.

    In what cases the killing of offenders in forests, chases or warrens is punishable--In what not.

The statute of the writ of consultation, 24 Edw. 1.--A. D. 1296.

In what case a consultation is grantable.

Statutes made at London, 25 Edw. 1, Stat. 1.--A. D. 1297.


    CHAP. 3. The said charters shall be read in
Cathedral churches twice in the year.

    CHAP. 4.  Excommunication shall be pronounced
against the breakers of the said charters.
    CHAP. 5.  Aids, tasks and prizes granted to
the king, shall not be taken for a custom.
    CHAP. 6.  The king or his heirs will take no
aids or prizes, but by consent of the realm, and
for the common profit thereof.
    CHAP. 7.  A release of toll taken by the king
for wool, and a grant that he will not take the
like without common consent and good will.


    CHAP. 3.  Although the 1st and 2d chapters
were in force in the province, the same reason did
not extend to this and the following.
    CHAP. 4.  Same.

Stat. de finibus levatis, 27 Edw. 1, Stat. 1.--A. D. 1299.


    CHAP. 2.  A sheriff shall levy no more issues
than he has warrant for his tallies.
    CHAP. 3.  Justices of assize shall be of gaol-delivery,
who shall punish officers bailing such as
are not bailable.


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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 25   View pdf image
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