CHAP. 39. The manner to deliver writs to the
sheriff to be executed.--The sheriff returneth a
liberty where none is.--Returning of issues.--Resistance
of execution of process.
CHAP. 40. A woman's suit shall not be deferred
by the minority of the heir.
CHAP. 41. A contra formam collationis
and a
cessavit, to recover lands given in alms.
CHAP. 42. The several fees of marshalls,
chamberlains, and the several justices in eyre.
CHAP. 43. Hospitallers and templars shall
draw no man into suit.
CHAP. 44. The fees of porters, bearing vergers
before the justices, and of cirographers, clerks,
CHAP. 46. Lords may approve against their
neighbours.--Usurpation of commons during the
estate of particular tenants.
CHAP. 47. A penalty for taking salmon at certain
seasons of the year.
CHAP. 48. In what cases the view of land is
grantable.--In what not.
CHAP. 49. The penalty for buying the title
land depending in suit.--A remedy for suits where
the law faileth.
CHAP. 50. No man shall depart from the king's
court without remedy. |
CHAP. 40. See 2 Inst. 455.
CHAP. 48. See 3 Bl. Com. 298, 358, 1 Borrows
See also Harris and McHenry's Reports, 8; but
it does not appear that this statute extended to the
CHAP. 49. See the note on 3 Edw. 1, Ch. 25. |