On motion of Mr. Byers,
Leave was granted to the Frederick delegation to intro-
duce a hill authorizing the County Commissioners of Fred-
erick county to endorse the bonds of the Frederick and Em-
mittsburg Railroad.
On motion of Mr. Mitchell,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Militia to report a
bill requiring the Adjutant General to furnish sixty (60)
Cadet muskets or Enfield rifles, with accoutrements, and six
(6) officers' swords and belts to the Trustees of Charlotte
Hall School, for the use of the pupils of said school.
On motion of Mr. Sudler,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Sudler, Legg and Boyer, to
report a bill giving to Second District of Queen Anne's
county an additional constable.
Mr. Maynard, chairman select committee, reported favora-
A bill entitled an Act to repeal section 40, of Article 11, of
the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled Frederick county,
and to re-enact the same with amendments ;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Mullin, chairman select committee reported favorably
the Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 34, 35, 36,
37 and 38, of the 4th Article of the Code of Public Local
Laws, relating to the City of Baltimore, and to substitute in
lieu of sections 34, 35 and 37, the following :
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Pentland, chairman select committee, reported favora-
bly the Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal section 26, of
Article 4, Code of Public Local Laws, relating to the City of
Baltimore, and to substitute therefor the following :
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Smith of Baltimore city reported favorably the Senate
bill, entitled an Act to repeal sections 5G7, 568, 569 and
570. of the 4th Article of the Code of Public Local Laws, re-
lating to the city of Baltimore, and to substitute in lieu of
sections 567, 568 and 569, the following :
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Beck, chairman select committee, reported favorably
a bill entitled an Act to amend an Act, entitled an Act to
authorize and empower the County Commissioners of Kent
County, to subscribe in behalf of said county to the capital
stock of the Kent County Railroad Company, and to issue
bonds for the same and to provide for their redemption, pass-
ed at January session, 1867, chapter 139, by adding a pro-
viso to the first section of said Act, relating to the issuing of
county bonds, and the time for their payment;
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Corbin, chairman select committee reported favorably
a hill entitled an Act to repeal the 53d, 54th, 55th, 56th and