On motion of Mr. Mullin,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations to
introduce a bill to incorporate the House of the Good Shep-
herd in the city of Baltimore.
On motion of Mr. Sudler,,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Sudler, Legg and Boyer to
introduce a bill to prevent horse racing on the public high-
ways of Queen Anne's county.
On motion of Mr. Morse,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations to
introduce a bill to incorporate the Monumental Savings
Institution of Baltimore city.
On motion of Mr. Vandiver,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations to
introduce a bill amendatory of an Act passed January ses-
sion, 1867, ch. —, entitled an Act to incorporate the Marine
Railway and Manufacturing Company.
On motion of Mr. Byers,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations to
introduce a bill to incorporate the Frederick and Emmitts-
burg Rail Road Company.
On motion of Mr. Coudy,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations to
introduce a bill to incorporate the Washington County Sav-
ings Institution.
On motion of Mr. Markland,
Leave was granted Messrs. Markland, Marshall, Sanner,
Mullin and PentJand, to introduce a bill to repeal section 127
of Article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws relating to
Baltimore city, and to enact a substitute therefor.
On motion of Mr. Byers.
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill to alter and amend the Act of 1862. chapter
82, relating to crimes and punishments.
On motion of Mr Bowlus,
Leave was granted to the Frederick delegation to intro-
duce a bill to authorize and empower the corporate authori-
ties of Frederick city to subscribe a sum of money to the
capital stock of the "Frederick and Pennsylvania Line
Rail Road" and to levy taxes on said city for such purpose.
On motion of Mr. Wentz,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill to repeal chapter 164, of the Acts of 1867,
relating to the payment of fees of Justices of the Peace before
an appeal.
On motion of Mr. Herbert,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and Means
to report a bill providing means to furnish the maps of the
survey of the boundary line between Maryland and Virginia.