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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 3384   View pdf image (33K)
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Showing the disbursements in the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1867, and the Acts of the General Assembly authorizing the same; also the
balance remaining in the Treasury September 30th, 1867, applicable to future demands.


Acts Authorizing Payments.





Total amount of disbursements, $2,573,855.24, on the following accounts,


to wit:


Annapolis and Elkridge Railroad.........................................................

347 of 1846, and 403 of 1864

$2,940 45

$2,940 45

Atrium for the Blind............................................................

75 of 1865........................

15,000 00

15,000 00

Annapolis Water Company, for famishing water to public buildings..........
Augmentation of the State Library......................................................

ch. 123 of 1865...................
183 of 1865, and 302 of 1867

2,746 94
654 98

2,t46 94
654 98

Appropriation for the purchase of Arms, for repairs.................................

188 of 1860......................

156 55

156 55

A n tie tarn National Cemetery.................................................................

20 of 1860........................

3,000 00


Advertising lists of Foreign Insurance Agents........................................

302 of 1867.................

177 40


Advertising lists of Delinquents to the State..........................................

183 of 1865.............

2,360 43

2,537 83

Agricultural College Scrip— invested in Coupon Bonds of the Southern Re-


lief Fund....................................................................................

90 of 164.........................

100,000 00.

100,000 00

Bounty to Volunteers, &c.



15 of 1864, and supplements

71,875 00



and 33 and 106 of 1865.....

237,705 00


Owners of former slaves ..............................................................

do. do. do......

14,100 00


Printing, clerical and other services.................................................

do. do. do......

3,944 50


Bounty and County Commissioners, and costs..................................

167 of 1867......................

7,773 06

335,397 56

Contingent Fund of the Adjutant General, for clerical services, &c......

168 of 1865 and 302 of 1867

1,614 06

1,614 06

Contingent Fund of the Comptroller, for printing blank licenses, protests,


circulars, warrant books, &c...........................................................

183 of 1865 and 302 of 1867

1,292 59

1,292 59

Contingent Fund of the Executive, paid on warrant of the Governor.........

do. do.

6,159 56

6,159 56

Contingent Fund of the Land Office, paid on drafts of the Commissioner of


the Land Office.............................................................................

do. do.

522 93

522 93

Carried forward..............................................................



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 3384   View pdf image (33K)
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